Nature Poem for Kids

Just thinking about when I was younger and tried to hide from the moon.

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I teach second graders about the moon and its phases in our international school. We also study poetry. I think this idea will appeal to young poetry writers who are challenged to come up...

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Follow The Moon

© more by Marie Tully

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2009 with permission of the Author.

I followed the moon,
Or did it follow me?
I turned a corner;
It was still there, you see.

I tried to trick it.
In the shadows I hid,
But the moon kept on watching.
That's what it did.

A cloud passed before it.
Now was my chance,
But the stars in the sky
Never could lie.

I walked on through the night.
The moon followed me home,
Or did I follow the moon?
I don't quite know.


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  • Louise Horner by Louise Horner
  • 11 years ago

I teach second graders about the moon and its phases in our international school. We also study poetry. I think this idea will appeal to young poetry writers who are challenged to come up with poems that relate to their study of the moon. It adds a cheerful spin on the moon in between all of the serious waxings and wanings of the moon that seven year olds are trying to comprehend. Thank you very much. I will enjoy reading this to my students.

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