Funny Poem for Kids

A Distaste For Peanut Butter

None of my friends ever understood why I didn't like peanut butter. Apparently, it's a delicatessen. Anyway, I wrote this poem to explain my distaste for it in a humorous way. Enjoy.

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My 11-year-old son recited this poem at his classical school, The Classical Academy, this past month. He has peanut allergies, so it was fitting that he chose your poem to recite. He recited...

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I Hate Peanut Butter

Inna Grigorenko © more by Inna Grigorenko

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

These words I say without a stutter:
I hate the taste of peanut butter!
In Reese's chocolate it may stay
But keep the butter far away.
It leaves a lump inside my belly,
It's even worse when paired with jelly!
I hate its texture, hate its smell;
If I go near it, I'm unwell.
My family tells me I'm dramatic
But against PB I stay emphatic.
If you're craving butter thick,
You might as well just eat the stick,
Or wear it as a winter coat
But keep it furthest from your throat!
Last time I ate it, things went south;
My tongue got glued inside my mouth!
If you include it in my lunch,
I'll very likely throw a punch.
I'd gladly eat a Brussels sprout
But keep the peanut butter out!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Colin by Colin
  • 3 months ago

I love this poem so much, I showed it or my entire family, in fact, when I read it to my class, the whole audience erupted into laughter and cahoots and chortles! Truly the best poem I've ever had the pleasure of reading and speaking! Wonderful salutations, and a good day wonderful writer!

Oh what fun at a time when there's a sense of so much doom and gloom. More please!
Best wishes, Ann

  • Kerry Davis by Kerry Davis
  • 3 years ago

My 11-year-old son recited this poem at his classical school, The Classical Academy, this past month. He has peanut allergies, so it was fitting that he chose your poem to recite. He recited it in front of at least 300 people if not more. Thanks for a fun poem!

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