Funny Poem for Kids

The Peculiar Nature Of Sleep

Sleep has always been a fascinating mystery to me. It's something I really appreciate. When I watch little children fall asleep, it's an appealing sight, so I decided to write a simple poem about it.

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It is a very simple poem highlighting the importance of sleep. Sleep is an integral part of human behavior. Without it, everything becomes useless. Good health can't be achieved without...

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© more by Abimbola T. Alabi

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

There is this funny guy I know.
Sleepy by name and sneaky as can be.
I never know where he comes from,
Only that he creeps up on me.

He is very cunning, you see.
He often makes me feel like a fool.
He jerks my head or slurs my speech,
And he sometimes makes me drool.

He can put things in a swirl
So I can't tell which is which.
And the stuff I don't want to let go,
He easily takes out of my reach.

Still, a generous guest is he,
Always comes with a soothing balm,
To lull my body and renew my strength
And make my mind to be calm.

When he leaves and where he goes,
That is hard for me to say.
But as rude as he is, I'm always glad
For Sleepy's sly visit every day.


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  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

It is a very simple poem highlighting the importance of sleep. Sleep is an integral part of human behavior. Without it, everything becomes useless. Good health can't be achieved without sleep. On such an important subject, the poem is always welcome.
-Subhash Bansal

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