Funny Poem for Kids

The Joys Of A Beach Day

On any given school day, most kids would rather be somewhere else. What better place than a sunny day at the beach (even if only for a moment)?

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Oh for more poems like this, which leave you with a feel good factor. Keep writing! Very best wishes, Ann.

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A Day At The Beach

Dan Temple © more by Dan Temple

Published by Family Friend Poems October 9, 2024 with permission of the Author.

A day at the beach!
No teachers to teach.
No English, no Science,
No Math within reach.

The sun on my face,
The sand in my toes,
The smell of the salty
Blue sea in my nose.

No homework to do,
No quizzes to pass,
No trying to stay
Awake during class.

Just me and the waves,
A cold drink in my hand,
I lay on a towel
And sleep on the sand.

But soon I wake up,
I'm in my own bed.
Reality hits me
Then fills me with dread.

No beach day today.
No waves and no sun.
Another school day
Has already begun.



Dan Temple is a hobbyist poet with a love for children and the written word. He was drawn to children's poetry at an early age and inspired to create his own work that would one day inspire others. Aside from the joy that comes from creating, Dan writes in order to bring laughter to children as they become lifelong readers.

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Oh for more poems like this, which leave you with a feel good factor. Keep writing! Very best wishes, Ann.

Thank you for your encouragement, Ann. It means a lot!

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