21. A Day At The Beach
A day at the beach!
No teachers to teach.
No English, no Science,
No Math within reach.
A day at the beach!
No teachers to teach.
No English, no Science,
No Math within reach.
Thank you for your encouragement, Ann. It means a lot!
My next door neighbor is a witch,
And she lives way down in a ditch.
Her clothing is a little strange,
Because she never wants to change.
I REALLY GOT SCARED OMG but YES this poem is really so so so funny.
When I got home from camp today,
My parents almost died.
They asked me how I got this way,
And here's what I replied:
It is really a beautiful poem which blends childhood imagination, narration, and joyful experiences.
"It is some terrific summer camp,
The coolest one around."
Granddad's got new glasses,
But he still can't see his feet.
No, his eyes are not the problem.
It's the amount of food he eats.
Grandma may be splittin hairs
to call Grandpa rotund,
but I believe she's got it right
as he weighs in at a quarter ton!
And just between you and me
and the lamppost on the...
Famous Poem
Now another day is breaking,
Sleep was sweet and so is waking.
Dear Lord, I promised you last night
Never again to sulk or fight.
He did an amazing job on this poem.
Some are as long as hoses
You buy at a garden store.
Mine can be used to smell roses
From a couple of miles or more.
I think children will like the poem. It's funny. You must have a lot of imagination to write such a poem. I like it!
I’ve heard mum say, and often too,
That washing up’s a bore.
Why she’d often give me tuppence
Just to do that dreadful chore.
We had a large garden around our house. In the morning we found it covered with leaves. We children were taught by our mothers and aunts to sweep it drawing designs with ekel brooms. We...
I took a walk in the city today
to try to pass the time away.
Saw lots of people walking too.
Stepped right in a pile of doggy doo.
Nice poem, very inspiring for kids. Thanks.
My parents' bedroom is far from mine, so I have to wonder
What the noise is every night that sounds a lot like thunder.
We don't live near the seashore, but almost every morn
I'm wakened by a noise that sounds like a fog horn.
The writer has given a humorous touch to a common incident found in many a home. Mother's lighthearted comment, "I don't mind; it's really a godsend" makes the idea more effective.
There is this funny guy I know.
Sleepy by name and sneaky as can be.
I never know where he comes from,
Only that he creeps up on me.
It is a very simple poem highlighting the importance of sleep. Sleep is an integral part of human behavior. Without it, everything becomes useless. Good health can't be achieved without...
I'm glad I'm not a real boy
With proper feet like you.
Imagine if I had to put
A foot in every shoe.
Children's world is innocent, pure and beautiful. It is full of imagination. The adults who can identify with children and look at the world through their eyes make the world beautiful and...
Please cover your nose.
You sneezed on Miss Muffet
and ruined her clothes.
You sprayed Mother Hubbard
The poem gives a good lesson how to behave while you are sneezing.
Granddad's got hair on his fingers,
Hair on his toes,
Hair in his ears,
Hair up his nose.
I like the poem. It shows the love of the grandchild to the grandfather. And it's funny!
The kitten's in pajamas,
The puppy wears a bow.
Dad's dressed just like a candy cane:
Red stripes from head to toe.
Pure delight reading this poem. I am sitting here with a great big smile on my face. Thank you. Very best wishes, Ann.
Famous Poem
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
Famous Poem
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.
Famous Poem
I often wish I were a King,
And then I could do anything.
If only I were King of Spain,
I know that stink! I have no doubts
That Mom has cooked up Brussels sprouts.
Of all the things that I despise,
The Brussels sprout would take first prize.
How tiring it is
To be three years old.
Sit here, eat that,
Be constantly told.
Famous Poem
Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree?
'Tis a marvel of great renown!
It blooms on the shore of the Lollypop sea
In the garden of Shut-Eye Town;