Famous Children Poem

“If I Were King” is about a child dreaming of all the things he would do if he were the king. He would run the world differently than other kings by focusing on enjoyment. A.A. Milne started his writing career by writing funny articles for various magazines.

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Famous Poem

If I Were King

A. A. Milne By more A. A. Milne

I often wish I were a King,
And then I could do anything.

If only I were King of Spain,
I'd take my hat off in the rain.

If only I were King of France,
I wouldn't brush my hair for aunts.

I think, if I were King of Greece,
I'd push things off the mantelpiece.

If I were King of Norroway,
I'd ask an elephant to stay.

If I were King of Babylon,
I'd leave my button gloves undone.

If I were King of Timbuctoo,
I'd think of lovely things to do.

If I were King of anything,
I'd tell the soldiers, "I'm the King!"


more A. A. Milne

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