Famous Children Poem

Shel Silverstein, who died in 1999, was a singer, song writer, poet and author of many children's books. "Dirty Face" is a fun poem to read for both children and adults. Silverstein reminisces fondly about the carefree childhood existence.

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So cute!! Like the spaghetti, chocolate, ice-cream. It's the kids that get the dirtiest, that have the most fun. It's a lifetime of adventure and silliness that they will remember forever....

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Famous Poem

Dirty Face

Shel Silverstein By more Shel Silverstein

Where did you get such a dirty face,
My darling dirty-faced child?
I got it from crawling along in the dirt
And biting two buttons off Jeremy's shirt.
I got it from chewing the roots of a rose
And digging for clams in the yard with my nose.
I got it from peeking into a dark cave
And painting myself like a Navajo brave.
I got it from playing with coal in the bin
And signing my name in cement with my chin.
I got if from rolling around on the rug
And giving the horrible dog a big hug.
I got it from finding a lost silver mine
And eating sweet blackberries right off the vine.
I got it from ice cream and wrestling and tears
And from having more fun than you've had in years.


more Shel Silverstein

  • Stories 3
  • Shares 11292
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  • Rating 4.15
  • Poem of the Day
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  • Nidhi Negi Bhandari by Nidhi Negi Bhandari
  • 2 years ago

Undoubtedly beautiful. I loved every single word...true for many kids :)

A wonderful poem, the delights of childhood are the best time of one's life.
Beryl Edmonds

So cute!! Like the spaghetti, chocolate, ice-cream. It's the kids that get the dirtiest, that have the most fun. It's a lifetime of adventure and silliness that they will remember forever. Loved it.
Jac Judy A Campbell

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