Hurting Poem by Teens

This poem is about sacrifice, moving on, forgetting yet remembering.

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Heart Of Ice

© more by Shianne

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

The beat of rain upon the land
Broken teardrop in my hand
Shattered remains upon the ground
My beating heart the only sound

A twisted tale chiseled in stone
Stories forgotten as the voices drone
Heart of ice, frozen in time
Far away, bells start to chime

The wind whispers through the trees
Voices carried on each breeze
Cries and sobs drown each bell
Secrets kept that no one shall tell

A tear cast aside that came to you
Reflecting anger and lies turned true
A tear that fell, yet went unshed
An unseen symbol filled with dread

Lonesome night to wash away
Heart wrenching pain of another day
The shattered pieces of a broken heart
Sewn together yet fallen apart

Broken tear the remains of a love
That burst to flames sent above
Heart of ice turned to stone
These silent voices start to drone

They tell these tales as though the end
Was at their side until they send
Each tale to lay before these lies
Glittering shards of diamond eyes

This heart of ice is the only link
Chained in black bound by ink
Surviving each day by only a drop
Lest its beating was ever to stop

As each day slowly wears on
The last shreds of hope are long gone
In the fields of glass, of diamond lies
Unseen by all except dreaming eyes

The spirits lie, awaiting the sacrifice
That is to be this heart of ice.


more by Shianne

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  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 5 years ago

I really like this poem. It brings in a lot of memories.

  • Shraddha by Shraddha
  • 9 years ago

Your poem is my favorite. It speaks to me on so many levels. Thank you for sharing it with us :)

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