Hurting Poem by Teens

Poem About Feeling Ignored

I didn't feel like I was heard by anyone, including my family, so I stopped trying and wrote this poem.

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I know this. It's an endless, repeating, painful loop. You ask someone if they think you're good enough, are you beautiful, are you smart, do they love you, do they care. They respond with...

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Am I Good Enough?


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2013 with permission of the Author.

Sometimes I feel unimaginable pain. 
It's always in my mind, within my brain.
It dwells inside all of my heart
And inside my veins.

No one listens to my voice.
No one wants to hear me,
So now I tell them to save their breath
And just leave me be.

People don't care.
All they want
Is me out of their face.

You lie about my respect.
You lie about me being loved.
All I am to you
Is something to be shoved.

Always put aside
With sadness, anger, and hate in my eyes.
Please let me be good enough
And stop telling me these lies.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • JenG0LD by JenG0LD
  • 1 year ago

I know this. It's an endless, repeating, painful loop. You ask someone if they think you're good enough, are you beautiful, are you smart, do they love you, do they care. They respond with yeses, but all you hear are lies. It tears at you, it rips you to shreds feeling like they don't care about you, they don't know you, they pity you, and yet they don't give a second glance over their shoulder for you. It feels like a slap to the face, a punch to the stomach. You feel alone and abandoned. Left to cry silently by yourself in the dark corner of their lies.

  • Tatiana Hills by Tatiana Hills
  • 4 years ago

Hey, we heard you. By we, I mean me and those who feel the same. I heard you. I know how it feels. So don't feel alone. I heard you. We heard you.

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