Family Death Poem

Grandfather Will Never Know Grandson

My father past away last year (from a long fight with cancer), two months after my son was born. Everyone said he was "waiting" to see the baby. When he saw him he seemed so sad. he finally realized he would never really know him. This is what breaks my heart. I can't even enjoy my son with out missing my dad.

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I feel your pain but please do not give up on God. He is ALWAYS there for you, even when no one else is. Just talk to God with your mouth out loud and ask Him for the strength and courage you...

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Dad, Where Are You?


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

Gone...but where?
I can't call you on the phone
I can't knock on your door
No matter how loud I scream you can't respond

I held your hand as you took your last agonizing breath
You fought with your heart and your soul
you fought for me and to watch my son grow, but you lost..
we lost

My son will never know you;
how funny you were
how generous you were
how there was nothing that could stop you from giving me everything I needed and wanted...except this

You won't be able to walk me down the aisle
You won't see me graduate from college
You won't comfort me as life pushes me down

where are you?
I want to hug you and tell you I love you Again
I want sit and have hot cocoa and coffee together
I want to laugh and smile the way only you could make me
I miss you like crazy dad
I just wish I could find you somewhere out there to let you know.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rach by Rach, California
  • 10 years ago

I loved what you wrote as it is so true with kids that lose parents. I felt much the same way you did but in my case it was my mom. She was killed when I was very young. But there is something in your description before your poem that really struck a chord you said. "This is what breaks my heart. I can't even enjoy my son with out missing my dad." I hope truly hope that this is not the case anymore. My dad could never get close to me after my mom died as I was the reminder. It tore me apart more than losing my mom because I had also lost my dad. It effected everything in my childhood and I had to learn to parent myself. My dad lost out on a really loving and caring daughter because he could not heal. I hope you see this and I hope if this is currently going on in your life, you get the help you need so that you can love your kid as his own little person, separate from the pain you feel from losing your dad.

  • Great Falls Mt by Great Falls Mt
  • 11 years ago

My father died three years ago and every breath I take is a struggle without him, but even though I hate the way I feel without him and the pain doesn't ever seem to get better and I still cry for him every day, I am forced to also smile for the blessings him and the good lord have given me since his passing. The biggest one being getting my two youngest kids back from their dad who ran off with them 8 years ago. I as well as my mom and dad searched for them since they were taken and finally they were sent back to me and they have made the loss of him and the pain so much easier to deal with cause I know this was the only thing that he was unable to fix for me here on earth but gave me in death and for that I will forever smile through the tears and pain cause they saved me in so many ways. Thank you to all of the people who add to this site it has given me hope and I don't feel alone anymore in my loss.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine
  • 11 years ago

No matter what you do the person you have lost will never come back but the human body is never really gone the soul lives forever

  • Rauf by Rauf, India
  • 11 years ago

My father was killed my terrorists a month ago. I am missing him so so so much. Did not even get a chance to talk to him at the last moment. I am feeling so lonely and scared. No one is there to help and all relatives are no where to be seen.
Have lost faith in god.

  • Eugene Aliberto by Eugene Aliberto
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain but please do not give up on God. He is ALWAYS there for you, even when no one else is. Just talk to God with your mouth out loud and ask Him for the strength and courage you need to help you get through the hard times you are facing. I say this from my own experience. I prayed and prayed, and I began to see the blessings God was doing for me. I will pray for you, and may God bless you and your family. Don't forget, when you are finished with your prayer, ask it in the name of Jesus. Nothing gets to God except through his son. God bless, and I pray you are doing better.

  • T.L Georgia by T.L Georgia
  • 11 years ago

My dad died a month ago from a heart attack. It happened suddenly and I can't even now believe that my dad won't be with me. He was a great composer and musician and I can't listen to his music because it's to difficult for me. He could even sing and when I hear his voice I just get nauseous. I want my father back, I am only 19 years old, its makes me mad when I imagine that my father won't be with me on my graduation day, on my wedding, on my first day of work. He was one of the warmest person in the world, I miss his smile, his voice, and just everything and every detail which is connected to him. Generally I am very reserved person and therefore I never really told my father how deeply I loved and respected him. This thoughts kills me. I want just two minutes from saying these words to my father. I'll say it now, dad I love you more than you loved me. I miss you and respect you and hope I will see you soon.

  • Laura Australia by Laura Australia
  • 11 years ago

I can strongly relate to your poem as my father passed 2 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. It was 2 months before my wedding and it was hard not having him there to give me away. My children will never meet him and that upsets me the most. I have promised myself I will carry on his morals and ethics when bringing up my children if/when we have them.

  • Jo Jo by Jo Jo, California
  • 11 years ago

This is so true for so many. I lost my father 3 years ago and I wish It got easier or the pain would lesson. My father had a heart attack and was by himself. No one found his body for 2 days. Before this he lived with me and I took care of him. He moved out to live with his girlfriend and she could care less about him. She stressed him out, was not there and killed him. I live with this sadness everyday and am angry at the girlfriend for not being there for my father when he needed her. He was a proud man and would not let me know of the problems he was having with her. If only he was still living with me at the time he might not of been alive but at least his body wouldn't of been decomposing. I was the first at the funeral and the last to leave. Which leaving was so hard! Cuz it confirmed he was really gone. Tomorrow is my fathers 65th birthday and I miss him soo much!!! I am happy I got to know him the way I did, I take pride in that. I MISS U DADDY! I think about you everyday!

  • Nasima by Nasima
  • 11 years ago

I was lost my father before 5 years but I can't forget him. In sad moments and happiness moments I always remembered him. He was not only my father he was my world but instead of him I and my family is nothing. Why ALLAH made this rule why ALLAH take away our dearest one from us, ALLAH knows everything that we can't live without our father and mom then why this happens.
I need advise please tell me what to do why I remembered that much my father?
Baba could you hear me? if you can hear me baba then listen I am very hopeless with out you I missed you baba I missed you so much.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, New York
  • 12 years ago

My dad was a pastor. He was a good man that moved us to his home town to save peoples souls for Christ. He saved a lot of people but he lost his life to cancer. He just died on October 18, 2012. I feel like my world fell apart. I'm married with two little boys. I was a daddys girl and I cant stop crying. Everyone says my dads work was done God wanted him home. So God won my father but I lost him. I can't sleep, eat or think. I know I need to continue my dads work but its so hard when I know my dad was a good man who suffered and God heal him. Just need some advice on how to move on.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 12 years ago

I was just reading this poem and the tears came out of my eyes slowly. You know why? This is because I lost my sweet and loving Dad last year on 21st September 2011 suddenly due to heart attack. He was all fine and within few minutes he was no more. Totally our family was shouting and crying but he was sleeping very silently with a smile on his face. He was not only my Dad but also my guide, my protector, me helper, my strength, my friend, everything to me. But today I am left alone only with his memories. Please I beg everyone to pray for my Dad's soul to rest in peace. Love You Daddy for ever.

  • Joni by Joni, NM
  • 12 years ago

This poem reminded me of my dearest little friend Jaden. We lost her dad back in September to the War in Afghanistan. Every time I talk to Jaden she brings up how her future will be. I just read her this poem and she felt a sense I relief, that she wasn't the only one who has lost a dad.

  • Cairns by Cairns
  • 13 years ago

I'm currently 13 and I turn 14 in December. I have a stepdad that I love deeply he has been there ever since I was four. When my dad never came around my stepdad would be there to comfort me. My stepdad had a stroke about 8 months ago & Has recently had another one and refuses to go to hospital or get it checked out. I'm really scared that he is going to pass away and I wont get to say a proper goodbye. I'm scared that he will never get to walk me down the aisle, Do fun stuff with me as I grow Or see his grandchildren...It is really sad for a kid my age to be thinking this stuff but when stuff like this happens you just can't help it. Your story was really touching <3

  • Nezisa by Nezisa, South Africa
  • 13 years ago

I can relate to this story, my father passed away on the 22nd of September last year. I always told myself that its okay and that made me to hold back my feelings and try to be strong enough so as to portray that image. It's never been okay, I miss my dad like crazy...He has left a void that will never be filled by anyone, I'm hurt, I'm empty....I don't have anyone I can talk to in relation to my personal life, challenges and troubles that I encounter in my daily life. I miss my dad period....

  • Krystal by Krystal, Arizona
  • 13 years ago

Hi I'm only 13, My dad died almost two years ago. He died of an accidental overdose. He was the greatest dad ever! I miss him so much. It hurts me everyday when I know he's gone. I remember when he would always say "I love you more" and we would have a playful argument of who loves each other the most. I LOVE YOU DAD!!!!!!!

  • Pam by Pam, Texas
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Dad to lung cancer February 2010. The rest of the year was pure hell. I miss my dad like crazy! His baby grandchild turned 1 only 6 days before he passed away. His oldest grandchild (my son) graduated from high school 2 months after he passed away. I remember the day my daddy walked me down the aisle ~ it was magical. A daddy's girl without a daddy now. It hurts a lot. I love you Daddy!

  • Bianca Thompson by Bianca Thompson
  • 14 years ago

Hi I'm only 15 and my mum passed away last year and I feel this poem is how I feel. I do wish I could see her just one more time and I hate that she won't be her on my wedding day. I'm in English and doing a English assignment about poems and songs on death and this one will be used in it. It is great and does explain how I feel.!!!! thank you!!!!

  • Rgo by Rgo
  • 14 years ago

...I cried...
Which is ridiculous because I have never really experienced anything like this before. But your poem is really touching. It really is.

  • Lana by Lana, Chicago
  • 14 years ago

June will mark the first year I've lived without my dad. He died of cancer also. Everything you mentioned in your poem where the exact same things I thought as soon as he left me. He will never get to see me graduate from high school nor college; he'll never be able to walk me down the aisle, or meet his grandchildren. It's so hard to watch your dad struggle with cancer for so long and for you to watch helplessly. Thinking back on how I held his hand while he took his last breath tears me up everyday. I would give ANYTHING to have him back here with me. He never got to see how his little girl's life would turn out....

  • Nikeya by Nikeya, Cairns Australia
  • 15 years ago

OMG !!
I'm only 13, my dad smokes and I'm terrified he's going to get taken by cancer and not be there to watch me grow up, and help me out through all the tough times in my life, and when I read this poem, the tears just came pouring out like you wouldn't believe, I have tried to get dad to quit smoking, but he just gets mad and tells me he can make his own decisions. I'm so scared of losing him. but yeh, great poem, sorry about your father.

  • KK Tex by KK Tex Poet
  • 15 years ago

I got an email about this poem the other day. I wrote it so long ago. I had never seen all the comments. Its really touching to know so many other people have gone through the same feelings. I actually got married this year. It was a small ceremony on my Dad's birthday. It was really special to do it then. It was very happy. I try to think my Dad is always watching but it is still hard. Thanks for your comments.

  • Andrea by Andrea
  • 15 years ago

It's like reading my story. My father just passed away from cancer in September. My son isn't even two. It breaks my heart that he will not remember how much his pappa loved him. I was so blessed to have him in my life, and I wanted him there when I get married to walk me down the aisle too! I miss him so much, and feel for everyone going through this pain.

  • Arlene by Arlene
  • 15 years ago

This poem really resonated with me because I went through the same thing. My father had a long awful fight with cancer and I stayed with him until he took his last breath. The last thing I told him because I knew how much pain he was in was that it was okay and he could let go and that we would be fine but when in fact, five years have passed and it hurts to not have him here as much as it did the day he left. He was my best friend, the person I would go to for anything and everyday without him has been a struggle...for a girl who was daddy's girl, losing your father is one of the hardest things to go through in life. So to all that have lost their father and who go through the same, my heart goes out to you...I miss you daddy...and love you very much xoxoxoxo

  • Wendy by Wendy
  • 15 years ago

This poem really struck something in me. This is exactly how I feel. My father passed away and I miss him like crazy. I was just 16 and he got hit by a car. It was so unexpected. He wont know my husband, my kids, wont see me graduate, or walk me down the aisle. it really hurts. but I hope you stay strong!!!!

  • Allison by Allison
  • 16 years ago

My dad died at the end of last year after a three year battle with cancer. Two days before he died I miscarried my first child (he never knew I was pregnant) and 4 months after he died my sister gave birth to my niece and his first grandchild. She has brought so much joy to our lives but I feel the same as you, he will never see his grandchildren, they will never know how wonderful he was and he will never walk me down the isle. It's so hard, I wish he was still here

  • kelly by kelly
  • 16 years ago

your story hit my like a ton of bricks. my best friends father just passed away recently and her son was 6 weeks old and she is feeling the same way as you. she is also getting married next year and doesn't know what she's going to do without him. hope you stay strong. and good luck

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