1. Just Let Him Go
We had a lot of fun
When we were together
I'll never forget
I'll always remember
Time heals all wounds, they say, but heartbreak is a wound deeper than most. Emotions can range from profound sadness to intense anger to utter emptiness in the course of a single day, which is exhausting. Having to face the person you loved at school or elsewhere can be excruciating and draining. Crying yourself to sleep might even become part of your daily routine. Most of the time, it seems impossible to find the strength to just let go and move on. After all, how can you force your heart stop loving someone? Find comfort in the shared experiences of others as you navigate your own journey of healing and moving on.
We had a lot of fun
When we were together
I'll never forget
I'll always remember
That's what happened to me. I have fallen in love with a guy, and we dated for almost a month. He told me that he loved me but then broke up with me the next day. I even knew he was moving...
My heart is now in so much pain.
My tears are falling like pouring rain.
I can no longer sleep a full night.
Yes, I was touched by this poem. They say nothing is forever, but I don't believe that! Love can be and is beautiful. The more you love someone, the bigger the hurt if something goes wrong....
Never did I ever,
Think I would fall;
As hard as I did, if not at all.
Never did I ever,
Oh my God, that was beautiful! I'm around your age too and just like you I write words in rhymes to vent out how I feel. And I can honestly say that's one of the best poems I've read in a...
The first snow of the year falls around me.
I stare out my window. It never fails to astound me
How each flake is different. None are the same.
You're welcome. It's really sad when someone dear becomes a stranger in two minutes. It's a nice poem that was greatly expressed.
It's four o' clock in Finland,
And I know that you're asleep.
I know that you are dreaming, and
If you're not, you're counting sheep.
I thought I found the perfect guy,
one that knew how to treat me right.
But I forgot to hold on,
and now he's gone.
I’m sorry about what happened. That is so messed up what he did to you. I was in almost the same situation, but what happened to me was that my sister would always try to take away my...
Day by day,
Miles apart,
I hold him close
In my heart.
I don't have much of a story but I did want to leave a comment: I really liked this poem. It felt very personal as I turned someone away many years ago. I still love her to this day. I...
You had me at hello.
Then you crushed me with goodbye.
I fell so deeply in love with you,
And you left me; tell me why?
Me and my boyfriend were doing great, and then on New Years Eve he broke up with me at 11:30 pm. I was just with friends and we were all going to meet up and then he called and said "We're...
Sometimes I feel as if it was bad to fall in love at first sight,
But other moments it feels like it was just so right.
Sometimes I feel as if you don't care,
But other moments it feels like you'll always be there.
I feel the same way with this boy. Sometimes I feel like he gives me no attention and then he does something I would've never thought he'd do. He is so complicated. He sends so many mixed...
I can't stop singing Taylor Swift songs
I can't stop asking what I did wrong
You were once there and now you're gone
I'm too scared to turn the light on
Once upon a time I opened up my heart to you.
You did what you chose to do.
You chose to keep my as a best friend.
Little did you know I was dying to the very end.
This poem reminded me of how much I fell in love with my friend from the same youth group back in college. We were really close that time that suddenly and unexpectedly my feelings towards...
I know I'm hurt, and you are too
I know things are tough with me and you
I know I'm torn apart inside
I know I can hurt you with my pride
Awesome touching lines which expresses the way of missing your loved one
You walked away
Left me alone
Nothing to say
No place to call home
I really feel like there's no use
loving you through this abuse.
The pain is just too much for me.
It's not enough for you to see.
Well, this is a story about coming to a crossroad of my friendship or my feelings. I like my best friend's brother, and apparently he had said he likes me as well, but he is emotionally...
This isn't the way it was supposed to be.
Things started out so perfectly.
We were so happy, our future set in stone.
Never would I imagine myself alone.
I was being cheated on for 3 years by my boyfriend. I feel so stupid now. My trusting ability has came to an end.
You know I can't go on with any regret.
Our relationship is hard like a game of roulette
We're off and on so constantly
And you cheating... come on, honestly.
I truly understand what you guys are saying. I was with an 18 year old. I loved him to death and would still do anything for him. I thought he loved me, but all that he really wanted was my...
I see you.
I want you.
I need you.
You are forbidden.
If I had found this poem on my notes, I would've thought I had written it sometime. The poem exactly explains my current situation. I want him and need him since I have seen him. The smile on...
I lie in bed awake at night,
Replay what we used to be.
I can't believe it's over now,
And you have moved on without me.
This is heartbreaking because I believe this to be my story. To the one that God made for me, I still am in love with you and never left you. At the same time, I never knew you wanted "us." I...
I wish we could be,
But I can hardly breathe.
How do I face the day
When my happiness always gets swept away?
My mind always told me to "leave and advance,"
But my heart told me that I still have a chance.
So I listened to my heart and gave it a shot,
I dated my boyfriend for 5 years. At some point, I noticed some unusual changes and tried asking him when he will be ready for marriage. I wanted to know if he even has any plans for us. He...