Heartbreak Poem by Teens

Poem About Wanting To Change In Order To Be Loved

You wonder what would make them love you.
Of course, you don't feel good enough, but if only...

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Awesome touching lines which expresses the way of missing your loved one

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Love Me

© more by Bella

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2015 with permission of the Author.

I know I'm hurt, and you are too
I know things are tough with me and you
I know I'm torn apart inside
I know I can hurt you with my pride

I know I'm nothing, not even a dime
I know I'm just a blink in time
I know I'm broken, unmendable now
But if you could just try and fix me somehow?

If you could just take my head in your hands
Bestow a nod that understands
If you could take this worn out soul
If you could mend it, make it whole

If I was different, my heart didn't bleed
If I was free of envy and greed
If I was better, happier and pure
If I was...perhaps you'd like me more?

If I knew the spell to make it all right
If I knew the dreams you dreamed in the night 
If I saw the hopes and fears that you see
If I had the locket, held the key

If I was or only I wasn't so tall
If I was perhaps petite and small, or
If I was lighter, brighter and sweet
If I could put the world at your feet 

If only I could fit the mold
If only t'was me you'd want to hold
If only I were younger, handsome and free...
Then maybe you could love me?


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  • Jenet by Jenet
  • 9 years ago

Awesome touching lines which expresses the way of missing your loved one

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