Heartbreak Poem by Teens

Heartbreak Poem For Him

I had lost hope before on love due to other rejections. But this girl is the one that told me to hold on and not give up, so I listened to her. I fell in love with her a few weeks later and was about to send her a poem I wrote for her on Valentine's. With a friend, I found out she liked her neighbor and they were planning to go out. It hurt that she didn't care about me and that I meant nothing to her. But what hurt the most was the fact I did a lot for her, but it was all for nothing. I still love her, though.

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I dated my boyfriend for 5 years. At some point, I noticed some unusual changes and tried asking him when he will be ready for marriage. I wanted to know if he even has any plans for us. He...

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© more by Greg Thung

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2012 with permission of the Author.

My mind always told me to "leave and advance,"
But my heart told me that I still have a chance.

So I listened to my heart and gave it a shot,
It was a bad choice; now look at the misery and failure it brought.

I thought I'd have a chance, so I kept holding on,
But I know that the last ray of hope is gone.

Sadly, it was you, the girl I trusted the most,
Who left me feeling empty, just like a ghost.

Today, the little hope I had inside, you killed.
I don't know why you destroyed something you helped build.

I must have been crazy to even try,
Because all it did was crush me inside and make me cry.

And I cry only if there's too much to hide.
Like right now because I've got nothing inside.

It has been about 5 times I have tried,
And all those 5 times, I've been denied.

I remember the rejections, you bet I remember them.
So I just sit here and write about it in this poem.

I remember the tears I cried and I shed,
But the pain feels like I bled red instead.

You can taunt me all you want and call me a quitter,
But I give up 'cause I have been treated like litter.

I actually almost thought I'd get to be with her,
But now it tastes so bitter, I still get that shiver.

"Huh? What's that? You think I've been used?"
That don't bother me. To me that's normal news.

I got nothing to lose, nothing to gain.
I'm fed up of all this miserable pain.

So when someone tells me to try again,
Why should I bother? Nothing will change.

I know it will always be the same result:
"Mission failed" - another insane insult.

I thought this would work, not leave me hurt.
Now I'm on the ground beside the dirt.

With the help of a sneaky friend, I read what you typed.
Now all those words you said will come haunt me at night.

If you had given me one chance, I would be your lover.
But I didn't ask for you to make me suffer.

When I'm tying to forget, as I lay on my bed,
Those heartbreaking moments rush back to my head.

It was paradise each time I saw your face,
But now I feel like I'm stranded in space.

It was on this "love road" that I travelled so far,
That left me like this: afraid and scarred.

That road gave me too much pain to bear,
So I've decided, from now I'm gonna be solitaire.

The road I'm going for will have nothing to fear.
And all the sorrow I have inside will all disappear.

Nothing can change my decision. I trust nobody anymore.
I'm not gonna play around. Love is no sport.

So I'm gonna go back to the same old me.
Yes, the shy guy on the piano named Greg.T.

So, do me a favor and make your neighbor feel special, no cheating and stuff.
Don't treat him like me, 'cause one broken heart is enough.

The guy you want is a very lucky boy.
Just don't use him and treat him like a toy.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cynthia Chizoba by Cynthia Chizoba
  • 2 years ago

I dated my boyfriend for 5 years. At some point, I noticed some unusual changes and tried asking him when he will be ready for marriage. I wanted to know if he even has any plans for us. He bluntly told me he doesn't know. He said he is not ready for marriage and not even thinking about that because he does not want anything that will tie him down. He added that if I see someone else who wants to marry me, then I should go ahead and marry him. I wasn't ready for marriage either, I just wanted to know if he's even thinking of a future with me. I was broken when I heard him say all this to me. I felt used, worthless and deceived. This is someone I spent my 5 years loving and caring for. If he never had intentions of marrying me, why then did he date me that long. He really broke me. I told him there was no need to continue with the relationship since it's not headed anywhere. So I ended the relationship. I still love him but don't know what to do.

  • 4 years ago

This is a beautiful poem, and you have many others! I know what it is to hurt and to love and not be loved the same in return and it hurts like hell! I know that there are people like me. I have to keep hope in my heart that there are good, honest, loyal men out there that can give me the same they recieve. Someday you will find what I'm talking about. I'm sure of it!

  • Nikola Lalic by Nikola Lalic
  • 7 years ago

There have been moments in my life when I've done terrible things that I used to regret for weeks, and sometimes, even for years. The only thing that I never got out of my mind, that I never forgave myself for, that I never got over, was her. I met her online, in a game. We used to chat a lot, and after a couple of months, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. I felt so good. I got so used to her person, that nice, cute girl that would never, ever do anything bad to make me feel sad. She is the reason I can't sleep at nights. She is the one I can't get over, no matter how hard I try. We were together for over a year and a half when we broke up. I didn't care too much until I realized how much she really meant to me. My dear Plummy, sometimes I wish you knew how much I regret everything.

  • John. by John., West Palm Beach
  • 10 years ago

Me and this girl go way back we text everyday we play a lot we also talk on the phone a lot. People might not believe in love at first but I did, I loved her since when she jokes around with me I really feel like I'm a different person. I asked her out a few times but she said no and that I'm too young for her but she's just 2 years older than me. There was this party at her house it was her best friend's birthday party. They invited me and my brother. I didn't want to go because I know I wouldn't be able to stare at her beautiful face. She really wanted me to go so I went. When I got there we had lots of fun, I pretended that I don't know how to dance it's just because I wanted to hold her hands when we danced I felt a connection and I'm really sure that she felt it too, then she left me to go dance with a guy pretty much her age and the only thing I had to do was go by the DJ so I don't look at her dancing with that other dude, when I couldn't take it I told my brother that I wanted to go home, she felt so bad that I was going home, she left the guy she was dancing with to ask if I was really going so I said yeah then she asked no kiss on the cheeks? Then I kissed her on the cheek. When I was going home she was the only thing on my mind I went to church the next day and I couldn't focus because she was the only thing I was thinking about. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET A WOMAN YOU LOVED OUT OF YOUR MIND? And knowing that I can't be with her brings me to tears every time so girls yeah boys have feelings too.

  • Jennifer.    South Africa by Jennifer. South Africa
  • 11 years ago

I really like this boy. I still love him and can't get him out of my mind. I wish he could come back so I can tell him that I still love him. I wish he would have been upfront about the fact that he was just using me. I have a new boyfriend, but I still miss him. I wish he had told me that he didn't love me. Now I have him in my hear and can't forget him. All I want to do is to die to forget him. I wish he could fix my heart or take it with him so I wouldn't have to deal with my broken heart. Why did he wait until his name was burned on my heart? Even now, I hope Mario reads this and realizes I still love him.

  • Not Important by Not Important
  • 12 years ago

I like a guy who can't stop or get over another girl who broke his heart. Now I don't know what to do? I see the name in his eyes, I see when he's says he's okay but is a lie. I know I don't have a chance with his broken past but it's kind of not fair, but I guess that life. I knew the girl she was nice but she kind of broke him.

  • Bari Jerome by Bari Jerome
  • 12 years ago

Love is not a game it is random, That's what happened to me days ago. I've been through hell and back trying to understand whether to go left and right. And I realize I did it all without a fight. Sleepless nights with my heart broken saying 'why what's wrong with me' but that question will become answerless. People tell me to move on but I cant cuz I'm still in love with you. you where the sunshine in my eyes but now when I see your face now its like a dark alley scary sad and hurtful. you destroyed something you bullied, but I still love you, and care for you, its gonna take me a long time to heal, but don't break another heart

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