Heartbreak Poem by Teens

Poem About A Gay Teen Falling For A Straight Guy

Hi. My name is Iain, and I am sixteen years old. This is the first poem I've ever written. It is about my feelings toward a guy in my school and how I can never have him because he is straight. I want to not feel this way about him, but I can't help it, so it's like an emotional war raging inside my chest. This was my way of expressing it.

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If I had found this poem on my notes, I would've thought I had written it sometime. The poem exactly explains my current situation. I want him and need him since I have seen him. The smile on...

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Leave Me Alone


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2012 with permission of the Author.

I see you.
I want you.
I need you.
You are forbidden.

I crave your touch.
I yearn for your lips.
You don't want me.
So why do you stay?

I see you.
Everyone sees you.
I want you.
I want these feelings
to leave me alone.

My heart aches,
breaks, and shatters
when you are near.
When aren't you?

I want you to
hold me, caress me,
like no one ever has.
Because no one ever has.

I want you to run your
hands through my hair.
Call me beautiful,
Love me.

I want you to go away,
never come back.
Get out of my life.
Leave me alone.

Come back.
Wrap those strong, sinuous arms
around me.
Hold me close.

These unforgiving emotions
conflict me,
bind me, trap me.
Hold me close.

I can't stand you.
You bring too much
pain, agony.
Yet I still
Crave you.

You're strong.
Protect me.
Hold me.
Leave me alone.

I don't want you.
You don't want me.
I want you.
You don't want me.

You're so close.
Within my grasp.
Taunting me, tempting me.
With no intention of having me.
Leave me alone.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Matt by Matt
  • 4 years ago

If I had found this poem on my notes, I would've thought I had written it sometime. The poem exactly explains my current situation. I want him and need him since I have seen him. The smile on his eyes makes my whole week. He must have fallen from heaven. I hope people relating to this poem can get with the ones they have fallen in love with. It's not impossible, just unlikely!

  • Cameron by Cameron
  • 5 years ago

I really like your poem, and I can relate to the emotions you describe. I caught feelings for this one straight guy in 8th grade, and I remember thinking these same things. Very well-written!

  • Rue by Rue
  • 6 years ago

I liked this boy I crushed on at school even though I know we could never be because he has a girlfriend. He had a girlfriend ever since he found out about my crush, meaning he is trying to tell me to leave him alone, but I just can’t help it.

  • Meepbob123 by Meepbob123
  • 6 years ago

I could relate to this. At the end of 8th grade, after I found out I was pansexual, I accidentally fell in love with my best friend who happened to be bi. She said she wouldn't mind dating me, but she didn't seem interested at all. However, she would still keep taunting me. It was awful. This was a very relatable and good poem. Thanks for sharing it!

  • Nolan Cox by Nolan Cox
  • 6 years ago

I thought your poem was very good. I know how you feel. I'm gay and in love with a straight guy too. Love is love. It doesn't matter who you love, guy or girl. Just know I fully support you.

  • Shawn by Shawn
  • 8 years ago

Wow. What a beautiful poem. Made me tear up and recognize each and every words, I am afraid. You sure have talent.

  • Eliana J. Schuyler by Eliana J. Schuyler
  • 10 years ago

I am bisexual and I'm in the same bind, also I smiled at the last line. I'm 13, a girl, and on a wrestling team, so I get judged pushed away and all that as well, so I feel for ya

  • Derek Burns by Derek Burns
  • 10 years ago

You're very talented Iain. Gay bars are awesome and twenty one is a much better year than sixteen.

  • Patricia Sadri by Patricia Sadri
  • 10 years ago

A word of advice to Kinsvia, somewhere or where ever you may be. Please update your knowledge on homosexuality. You clearly need to be brought up to speed. Good luck with making peace with yourself in relation to how disgusted you are with everything and how you can be so conveniently judgmental.

  • Esther Keehn by Esther Keehn, East Earl
  • 10 years ago

This is so sad. I so feel for this guy and all the others with him. Just one more youth caught in the new rage of homosexuality. THIS IS NOT HOW GOD CREATED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! He made Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve.
I am praying for you, Iain, right now, that you will be able to see the incredible, amazing plan that God has for your life. He could deliver you from this and use you to help other people caught in the same whirlpool.
You have a talent in poem writing. Use it to glorify God!
And know this...I am not a gay--hater. I love the person, but I hate the sin.

  • Alex Taylor by Alex Taylor, Huntsville, AL
  • 8 years ago

I know this was posted 2 years ago, but I have to ask, is loving someone a sin? Think about that.

  • Steven Solano by Steven Solano
  • 10 years ago

Love is love good people. We live in a very free country with laws which are supposed to protect everyone. If the boy is in love and it sounds like he is, then let him bear the fruits of his own emotional behavior. Love does not care if you're straight or otherwise. When the heart speaks, one may as well go with those feelings because to deny them will fuck you up real good. Again, no matter the gender, if one messes around and falls in love, just be ready for rejections and more rejections and sooner than later you will be come a master at being rejected and that is a good thing as long as you know this rejection doesn't mean being rejected by society as a whole. To the young man with his heart on the freeway; pick it up and look elsewhere where you are accepted. To mess with the wrong person could get you killed. No need to be a martyr. Chalk this one up and move on. It's great big world filled with people waiting for your love. Give yourself and others who choose gender freedom a chance and remember always you and they are lovable intelligent human beings. But again I strongly caution you Not to go where you will get hurt and or killed.

  • Tony by Tony
  • 10 years ago

A very good first attempt at poetry. There is talent here that can be developed. As a gay teen, I can totally understand your perspective, as can probably every gay person on the planet. Your actualization of the conflicting emotions of unrequited live is very strong, but if I was to criticize it, I would say it becomes a bit too much at the end. The poem should really be shortened, there is nothing really that you say in the later stanzas that you don't say in the first few.

But yes, an impressive first poem! Hope to see more from you!

  • Summer by Summer
  • 11 years ago

I feel your pain brother, though you are gay and I am straight I still understand what you are going through. I look and I see beautiful and gorgeous guys (that are single) that I wish I had that I really want but yet to them I am not beautiful enough. Stay strong one day you will find someone who is perfect for you. Ignore the comments and hate about you not being straight and how wrong it is to be gay, but I'll say this: If you dream a wish to come true after long enough that dream will come true. I was truly touched by your poem and I hope you continue to express your feelings this way. Stay strong Iain McCormick, stay strong!

  • Krista Corley by Krista Corley
  • 11 years ago

I understand. I'm bisexual. It doesn't matter what others think. Hold on strong! I LOVED YOUR POEM!!

  • Ben by Ben
  • 11 years ago

The comment above is shocking. They need help with narrowed minded minority views like that. I feel sorry for them. Obviously brainwashed. Get help.

  • Truly Inspired by Truly Inspired
  • 11 years ago

This was a great poem! Don't listen to above! Lol If anything I know how hard it is to go through what you are going through and to share your story and to connect with others the way you are is a show of compassion and bravery! There's always gonna be haters hatin! I say don't let closed minded people get in the way of you and your fabulous life! I love the expression of the inner struggle within you the tug of war on those gentle heart strings that are affected so easily! Just stay strong and that perfect guy will come along when you least expect it! I remember when I was in high school (I'm 23 now) how hard it was to escape those beautiful straight boys lol but with time it goes away and you take with you an experience that helps you grow and become who you were meant to be! Just wanted to say thanks for posting this! You know its funny I found this poem by doing a search... poems about a gay crush on a straight guy and it took me here but not only that but took me back to my memories of high school... and the reason I searched was because I am experiencing the same thing at work lol so I guess it never goes away, there will always be that forbidden fruit you long so hard for just wanting to have a taste a bite the whole thing lol but long story short I feel you! Hope you have a good one! Signed Truly Inspired :-)

  • Sylvain by Sylvain, Quebec
  • 11 years ago

Only listen to God if you can actually know what he wants for you. Or else, you're a better person determining what you actually need. The will of God is the most far fetch idea, he simply had never shown his will to anybody. Most of our fears comes from indoctrination. The fear of God (also, which one?) is one of them. When we live for other humans and for us, out of love for others and our self is when we are going to somewhere better. Letting go of your fear of religion is the most liberating thing someone can do. You have the right to love anybody, just, not to hurt somebody.

  • Kinsvia, Norina by Kinsvia, Norina
  • 11 years ago

This is disgusting... Truly.... People should not be gay. Do you ever see two male doves together? No. There are only (two) genders. A woman and a man. They go together like two puzzle pieces. That is just how it is. I don't think the feelings you have toward him is love. You just haven't found the right girl yet, and now you are starting to think you need a boy, and that is totally wrong. Trust me. You should just wait and see who God brings into your life. If he doesn't bring anyone into your life, then it is not his will obviously, and I don't think you should question God. He knows what is good for you. So please, drop all of this gay stuff. It really makes me feel sick inside. It is just... outrageous.

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