Heartbreak Poem by Teens

I wrote this poem when I was going through a hard time dealing with a break-up. I was watching TV, and I heard the words, "You've gotta learn to just let go." Those words really stuck with me. So I grabbed my notebook and started writing. I hope this poem helps some of you get through those hard break-ups.

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That's what happened to me. I have fallen in love with a guy, and we dated for almost a month. He told me that he loved me but then broke up with me the next day. I even knew he was moving...

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Just Let Him Go


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

We had a lot of fun
When we were together
I'll never forget
I'll always remember

The laughs that we shared
The dreams that we had
But those dreams changed
And they left me sad

I know you've moved on
And found someone new
But I have to admit
I still wish for you

This isn't healthy for me
I really need to stop
When I think about our past
My heart wants to pop

So as I say my last goodbye
I want you to know
That I'm trying my best
To learn to just let go


  • Stories 47
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  • Rating 4.41
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Masechaba by Masechaba, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

I have been dating this guy for 1 year and 3 months. We would share our dreams and every secret we had, but after a few weeks someone came and I guess stole his heart. We broke up two weeks ago, and I still have feelings for him. This poem is really touching.

  • Emmanuelle Bedard by Emmanuelle Bedard
  • 10 years ago

Thinking of my beautiful love making me wondering if I'm ever going to get him back. I know that I need I let him go an move on but when I close my eyes all I see is his bright smile and amazing eyes. When ever I look at him I remember all the good times that we shared together leaving him was the hardest thing I have ever done but I know that my lover is always going to be in my heart and that he will remain there until the day that I die of age.

  • Uno by Uno, Botswana
  • 11 years ago

It still hurts that I've let go. He found someone soo fast is what hurts me the most. I recently broken off with my 14 months relationship just two months ago. I still think about him and have those 'WHAT IF's' question in my head. But I am kind of happy I let go. It might've been the best relationship but I'm glad in a way that I let go. I feel like this poem is the complicated unheard words that are refusing to come out and reading it made me realize my emotions aloud. I know I am not making sense but this is all I can say at the moment as I try to reassess my emotions

  • Nadine by Nadine, Pretoria Gauteng
  • 11 years ago

These poems motivate me to let go, after breaking up with my ex I was left devastated I couldn't think straight, though it was the end of the world but something deep inside me told me to pick up myself Let go of that relationship. Wasn't meant to be, wasn't good enough for me. A guy who loves you wouldn't leave you, cheat or lie to you, will always tell the truth no matter what.

  • Anha by Anha
  • 11 years ago

I had a boyfriend. I love him very much but he left me.

  • Zharia by Zharia, Nc
  • 11 years ago

As I was reading the comments I realized that I wasn't the only one who felt the way I did. I read the poem and I was like it's time to let go! Even thought I still have feelings for my ex I mean he doesn't feel the same so why am I chasing after a dead horse. Either way it goes I've moved on and I wish him the best with whatever her name may be.

  • Angie by Angie, Wi
  • 11 years ago

I know what it is like to go through a break up. I was dating this guy for over a year and we had our whole lives planned to be together for the rest of our lives. Then one day I found out he has been cheating on me for a month, I instantly broke up with him and I regretted it for the first few months. But I realized like in this poem that I needed to let go and move on. It's the way of life and it takes time for you to find the right person. No matter what just stay strong, yeah I know it's tough but at the beginning it will be rough but later on it will all get better.

  • Cheryll by Cheryll
  • 11 years ago

I split from my husband 4 years ago, we have 4 kids, and would have been celebrating our 21 years anniversary this year, we went through a bad time, we tried to fix it but it wasn't the same, I pushed him to move on and he did, and I'm the one who can't move on, the more I try, the more I miss him and the more I'm hurting.

  • Carmen G by Carmen G
  • 12 years ago

My boyfriend of six years just broke up with me. We had our problems but he told me he wanted to make things work between us and that he loves me. A few days later he breaks up with me. I know he's seeing someone else already meaning he was talking to her while with me. I know I should be super angry but the poem is right it's time to just move on like he did. I'm hurting deep.

  • Jasmine by Jasmine, Grand Prairie
  • 12 years ago

There's this guy I like at my school and I told him I have feelings for him and he said he did to but than he asked another girl to prom and it's hard not able to be with him. I try not to think of him or anything but I know I have to let him go just don't know how.. so reading this poem helps me learn how to start all over :)

  • Rachael Woods by Rachael Woods
  • 12 years ago

OMG it's the same thing I had. I had a bf and he through all my love for him in my face. I'm really pissed off but like ya know this explains the whole story

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 12 years ago

After 3 years of being together me and my bf split. It's been hard just accepting that we are never getting back together. But I don't regret the relationship it taught me to never let a man be your everything. You create your own happiness. I'm proud I'm not putting up with his sh*t. I know this break up is going to make me more independent and I will be happier in the end.

  • Anna by Anna
  • 12 years ago

My boyfriend and I broke up 2 weeks ago, he told me he wanted to take a break, and is not cause of me, is just what he wants, He told me not to break up with him or even just to take a break, and so I promise him, and look what he did to me. We are good friends now but I'd rather be more then friends, I still love him and want to be close to him, he is the best person I ever had, my best friend.

  • Leah by Leah
  • 12 years ago

Thank you so much for this poem. the first guy I ever actually loved broke up with me over text with his friends and then never spoke to me again. We both knew our relationship wasn't working but I wanted to be friends like we were before... I guess he had different plans... I just miss him being there for me and your poem really helped me realize that he's gone and I need to move on. thank you

  • Shanice by Shanice
  • 12 years ago

This is exactly how I use to feel with my ex boyfriend. He was my first for everything we stayed together for 3 yrs. All through our relationship he would lie, cheat, and treat me so wrong. I use to sit down and cry all alone in my room. Thinking and believing in my heart. He must hate me. I got depressed and things kind of change for me. I gave my all to him. I mean he was my first. I gave this boy my virginity! He said he will never leave or hurt me. Every word he said was a LIE!.. It still hurts to know that we will never be together again. And he might not come back to me. But I feel better more and more everyday inside my heart knowing. I can't make my heart feel something that was never there. Besides I can do bad all by myself!

  • Akyla by Akyla, Columbus
  • 12 years ago

Thank You, for writing this poem everyday I'm put through emotional stress trying but never succeeding to let go this poem gave me the strength to be able to talk to my ex or mention his name without bursting into tears.

  • Tammie Reynolds by Tammie Reynolds
  • 13 years ago

When I went through my break up I didn't just go through it once I went through it 3 times over the same reason. I mean yeah I miss him but I don't miss what he has done to me!! reading this poem makes me realize I do need to let go!!!!!!

  • Alabama by Alabama
  • 13 years ago

2010 we shared secrets and we spent a lot of time on the phone. we weren't like any other couple we were in love so I thought. But he was just using me to get to my best friend that I knew before k grade and she was the hottest girl in school. Everybody wanted to date him. Except my boyfriend so I thought. but I was wrong and when he broke up with me I asked if she would go out him and not tell me because I had not wanted her to date him and the next week I found out they were dating. It broke my heart.

  • Andy Lubovich by Andy Lubovich
  • 13 years ago

Me and this girl well we never dated but we were a thing I worked really hard for her I started out at her liking me 2-10 it took me at least 2 months to get her to like me 9.8-10 okay we hung and everything it was the best. We hung with her family go to her hockey games and to my hockey games then just one day just one everything went to nothing! Okay I don't understand I guess us guys will never figure out girls and you girls will never know us guys but I just don't get how one night we hung with her family then it was fun happy etc then the next day snap of the finger its over with..? I never even kissed her either. But you who wrote this poem I give you 5 stars this explains a lot of life. I hope you in your future go some where for writing poems and for all you people I wish you luck and keep all your heads up because mine is down still and it's just not good!

  • Taylor Smith by Taylor Smith, Oklahoma
  • 13 years ago

I just broke up with my boyfriend because I have feelings for my ex but this poem got to me and it helped me understand that I need to move on!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hannah Wiswall by Hannah Wiswall
  • 13 years ago

I had a boyfriend for 4 and a half years and he just broke up with me. He told me he doesn't love me as much as he did and this relationship was a year ago today and I still cant get over him. I love him more than anything we talk like we are best friends but it just hurts me that he's there but not mine :(

  • Abby by Abby, Portland Oregon
  • 13 years ago

This poem is exactly how I feel right now. My boyfriend of 5 months broke up with me, it came unexpectedly but when he told me that he went on a date with a girl when we were still together and he is in love with her and lost all feelings for me. I am trying to forget it but he keeps talking to me getting my hopes up that maybe someday we will be together. I don't know how I'm going to get over him he was my everything and loosing him leaves me nothing and no one. Seeing all these other people going through the same things is helping me get stronger and maybe someday let go.

  • Ty by Ty, New Mexico
  • 13 years ago

That is what I was going through with my boyfriend (now my ex). I thought that he was the one but obviously not and once we broke up my life got worse than it was before. My life was better with him around but I do GOT TO LET GO!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jamie by Jamie, Min
  • 13 years ago

Thank you so much. Me and my bf went out for a year and 5 months ya I'm only 15 but we both really "loved" each other, well we broke up and got back together many times, but this last time was it for him... he always said I was the one for him but 3 weeks after we broke up he got a new gf...this poem is amazing I'm so glad you published it thank you so very much

  • Hannah Charleston by Hannah Charleston, WV
  • 13 years ago

I just broke up with my boy friend he was everything to me. We went out for ever and I still love him but, I had to break up cause he was ignoring me and being just rude but my heart has been broken and when I look at this I say to myself, "I need to learn to let him go."

  • Debby by Debby
  • 13 years ago

I'm Debby and it's going to be a sad day for me and my boyfriend because I need to break up with him that's all because I am leaving school and I know that he's cheating on me and my best friend even likes him and I think my boyfriend likes her back, you know why?
Because he doesn't play with me anymore he play with my bestie and he doesn't even say 'hi' in school anymore. I guess everyone needs to let go once.

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 13 years ago

this poem is amazing. about five months ago I found out that the guy who I was crazy in love with was cheating on me. and it drove me crazy to know that he was happy with someone else... and it still hurts and although its been five months I'm barely starting to let go although it hurts but it hurts even more to be stuck on him. this poem is awesome and I love it.

  • Kathy by Kathy
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. I was in love with the guy for long time even we weren't together. But I couldn't stop thinking bout him and I couldn't stop crying. My family tried to help me and tried to understand me and do everything they can to help me but nothing helped me. I was still in my room every day crying wishing I was dead. And I am still kind of do. Even I understand what kind of jerk he is and I am just wasting my time. But the memories never leave you. and that sucks. you know when I read these poems they help me a lot thank you for everybody who writing this poems. and btw you guys are doing a greadddddd joobbbb :)))

  • Kaitlin by Kaitlin, Ny
  • 13 years ago

This is just what I needed to read. It help me understand that, yes, it is hard to let go but it is for the best. It has been a month since me and my boyfriend broke up but it's so hard not to miss him. I know that there is more than likely someone better for me it is just hard to let go of something that you gave everything up to have.

  • Cassidy by Cassidy
  • 14 years ago

Its hard to let go. My boyfriend broke up with me. I loved him and what's funny is I believed him when he said I love you. He broke up with me and I felt like I was dying inside. It was hard to move on when he would come to school all cute and would totally flirt with me. But the thing you always have to remember that it's their loss. There's some one out there that will love you and respect you like you deserve.

  • Kritsen by Kritsen
  • 6 years ago

That's what happened to me. I have fallen in love with a guy, and we dated for almost a month. He told me that he loved me but then broke up with me the next day. I even knew he was moving away, and I have given him all my heart. The next day after we broke up he tried to get me to kiss him and acted like we were still together. He even saved our pictures together. I told him we can be friends but nothing more because he broke my heart. But the worst part is when he told me that, it was his last day. I told him, "Good, I won't miss you at all." The next day I was hoping to see him to tell him that I still loved him and I will miss him, but I didn't see him at all. I broke down in tears. I literally cried all day, even at school. It has been two months, and I still miss him. I am trying to move on, but it's so hard because he is all I think about. I am gonna try to move on and forget about him because he broke my heart so many times.

  • Brooke by Brooke, WV
  • 14 years ago

Me and my now ex-fiancé were together, happy, and planning our wedding day. I decided I should go see my family for a little while before the big day. I left and I was so sad to say goodbye to him, even though it was just for a few days. Well long story short, I came home early to surprise him only to find his ex-girlfriend and their son I didn't know about in our house. Even though I hate him, he is still the love of my life and I too, am fighting to just let go.

  • Nillie by Nillie, Mt
  • 14 years ago

Wow...I don't feel alone in the way I feel anymore. :) I had a boyfriend that broke up with me after 6 months and then 4 days later started dating someone else, which I pretended not to care, but it really broke my heart. Then when he broke up with her, he told me, "I guess you date someone, when you are still in love with someone else" and I got my hopes up...only to have him start dating another girl again. So Keep On Truckin' Ladies and Gents, we'll all get through it :)

  • Amy by Amy
  • 14 years ago

I went through my first hard break up, I am trying to move on but I feel so hurt I wish I could just forget. Hearing your poem and your strength really encouraged me to keep trying thank you =)

  • Jenna Lips by Jenna Lips
  • 14 years ago

This is what I'm going through exactly ! Me and my boyfriend just broke up after a year together, and I still love him but now he loves someone else, all I have to rely on is past memories.

  • Midland by Midland, TX
  • 14 years ago

I have kind of the same story.... I was dating this girl on and off for about 3 years I guess you could you say we were the ideal couple. But things always came our way and tried ruining us which finally did. I've moved on but she's still in the back of my head I still wonder what if? or why? I can't get her out of my head :( at times I want to call or text and see how she is but I don't know if that'd be a good idea. Deep down I know I'll always love her

  • Tekayla Smith by Tekayla Smith
  • 14 years ago

After my 2 year relationship ended it has been hard for me to forget him. He's the first think I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of when the day ends. I can't even get away from him in my dreams. I have written so many poems about him on this site. After I read this poem I realized how stupid I am and was for still loving him after all of the hurt and pain he put me through. Now I know that I not only want to let go...... I need to let go.

  • Jayboss by Jayboss, Trinidad
  • 14 years ago

I'm reading you all's story and I feel as if what I'm going through is not as bad. I'm sorry for all the hurt you all has been through but sometimes you have to build a bridge and get over it. We all struggle and have our downfalls but just remember no one can LOVE you more than YOU !

  • Daisy by Daisy, L.A
  • 14 years ago

ohh my god :(
this is exactly how I feel :(
I mean I don't wanna let go but I HAVE TO
he showed me time again that I wasn't worth the fight :(

  • Siky. South Africa by Siky. South Africa
  • 14 years ago

I am going through the same thing and I cry everyday the guy still loves me but he has so much pride.

  • Kathryn by Kathryn
  • 14 years ago

This is like dead on to how me and my ex are. I've moved on and he's still madly in love with me and whenever he sees me with another guy he tries to ruin it. It's getting in the way of my relationships. I just wish he'd stop being a jerk..

  • Larissa by Larissa
  • 14 years ago

"I know you've moved on
And found someone new
But I have to admit
I still wish for you" - Truly amazing! This is exactly what I feel right now.

  • Jessica by Jessica, Bay Area
  • 14 years ago

I was with my ex boyfriend for 5 years and he decided to break up with me unexpectedly.. at the time I though everything was going just fine and it broke my heart so much to know he was breaking up with me. This just happened almost 3 months ago and I'm still hurting.

  • Claryssa Salcedo by Claryssa Salcedo
  • 14 years ago

Me and my boyfriend of four months just broke up and I've also been having a hard time moving on. its hard knowing he doesn't have the feelings I still do for him...but I guess life goes on :'(

  • KC by KC, WY
  • 15 years ago

wow I was friends with my ex for about a year now, and I kept telling him he needed to move on and forget me, but he would refuse and kept pushing me towards him. Now he just decided to forget me and now I'm stuck on him he dropped my old memories off the other day and it hit me hard this poem really hit me.

  • Macayla by Macayla, St. Louis
  • 15 years ago

I was dating a guy for 5 years and he just broke up with me the other day:/ and I just wanted to work things out with him so bad but he just kept saying get over me

  • Laura by Laura
  • 15 years ago

this poem is exactly what I'm going through. I have recently went through a breakup and I'm having trouble dealing with it. he meant everything to me. now that I've read this it will hopefully have a positive reaction on me and help me through this.

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