Heartbreak Poem by Teens

I wrote this poem when my boyfriend and I started having problems. It was a hard time for me, but in the end, the relationship taught me so much.

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OMG. This poem resonates with me. My ex was my best guy friend, and then he broke up with me and straight away he started dating another girl. When she broke his heart by cheating on him, he...

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Things Change

© more by Sarah McColl

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

Time passed,
Things changed.
You moved on.
I went my own way.
I fell for you.
You changed your mind.
You let go,
I held on tight.
I told you I cared,
You said you did too.
You promised you wouldn't hurt me.
Babe, I believed that was true.
Our past came back to get me,
Switching me for you.
You let me down,
You broke my heart.
I started to wonder,
Was this your plan from the start?
I miss you now
And will forever.
I wish you were here
More than ever.
You changed me
And made me better,
So for that,
I will love you forever!


more by Sarah McColl

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Amy by Amy
  • 7 years ago

OMG. This poem resonates with me. My ex was my best guy friend, and then he broke up with me and straight away he started dating another girl. When she broke his heart by cheating on him, he came running back to me and asked me out again. I said no, but we are still friends. Our friendship is becoming stronger because I said no. I thank him now for breaking my heart and making me stronger.

  • Haley Boo by Haley Boo
  • 3 years ago

Honestly, same. I actually fell in love. He dated me broke up with me. When I was still recovering, he asked again. I ignorantly said... yes. Fast forward 2 1/2 months, he breaks my heart again. So when he asked, you bet I said no. Because of him, I grew less gullible and vulnerable to guys like him.

  • Heartbroken_1 by Heartbroken_1
  • 5 years ago

My boyfriend just broke up with me because he wants to get his mind straight. All he does is hang around other girls. It sucks, and I just hope we can still be friends until he gets his mind right.

  • Troy A. Cardoza by Troy A. Cardoza, St. Andrew, Jamaica
  • 8 years ago

I liked how you formulated your piece. It brings back to memory when I was in a relationship with this girl, she never cheated, she never did anything really bad, nor did she hurt me. In the beginning we meant the world to each other, but as your poem stated "THINGS CHANGE", that was what happened. We learned a lot from each other and it has a lot to do with my selection of "girls" today. I loved her then, I still do and I will continue to.
Love the work, keep it up....

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 13 years ago

omg this reminds me of my ex. We were together for ten months. he said he loved me but yet acted as if he hated me. It tore me up... but although he broke my heart he made me a stronger person and yes I still love him I don't know if I'll ever stop. It's funny how a guy can hurt a girl really bad but the girl will still love him and forgive him but when a girl hurts a guy that guy will hate her. It's crazy but true. But this poem is awesome and it really touched me.

  • Ayesha by Ayesha, Pakistan
  • 13 years ago

I loved some one too much but he's not sincere with me...and broke my heart..after 6 months....but I still love him so much....I don't know why?

  • Cassidy by Cassidy
  • 14 years ago

Honey he doesn't deserve your love and you should not love a dude that broke your heart. My heart was broken, really badly. I loved him and he said he loved me. He broke up with me and I felt like I was dying inside. What got me through it was my bet friends.

  • Mea Pollarrd by Mea Pollarrd
  • 16 years ago

I just got out of a relationship like this. I love my boyfriend to death but he isn't the commitment type. I will love him forever and he did change me. well he made me stronger, for that I thank him, he also thought me not to trust a guy. I loved him then, I love him now, and I love him always

  • Starr Hiser-Hall by Starr Hiser-Hall
  • 16 years ago

same here but me and my ex are always on and off because he said that he loves me and the next couple of days he say that he found that special someone

  • khadija by khadija
  • 16 years ago

well i love this poem cause it reminds me of me and my boyfriend

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