Heartbreak Poem by Teens

Wanting A Second Chance

Hi! I am a thirteen-year-old girl who has secretly been writing poetry since I was in fourth grade. I love poetry so much, and even though I'm still learning, I write all the time. My love for hockey and for the boy I can never have (whom I refer to as The Finn in many of my poems) inspires me to write. I wrote this one about the feeling of when something ends too soon and there was still so much you wanted to say and do. I hope I can inspire some people out there! Thank you so much for reading!

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There Was One More Thing

© more by Erica

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2017 with permission of the Author.

If there was one more thing I could tell you,
I'd tell you that you saved my life.
I'd tell you that you are my savior.
In the darkness you are my light.

If there was one more thing I could thank you for,
It would be how strong I have become.
I would thank you for the strength you gave
That helped me overcome.

If there was one more thing I could see again,
It would be your smile I can't replace.
I would want to see you come home again.
Never another tear to cross your face.

If there was one thing I could wish of you,
I would wish for you to come home.
I wish that once you would notice me,
Wish you don't leave me here alone.

If there was one more thing I could have from you,
It would be a moment. A second. A glance.
All I ever wanted from you was you.
All I ever wanted was a chance.

If there was one more thing I could ask you,
I'd ask if you would have cared.
If you could see, would you have cared about me
If you had known I was there?

If there was one more thing I'd want from you
It would be a memory to save
So when you're gone I could still hold on,
So I could still be brave.

If there was one more thing I could tell you,
I'd tell you I've loved you all along.
I've been here for you. I'll wait for you.

I'm going to miss you
When you're gone.



Hello everyone! My name is Erica, I’m a young teen who loves poetry with all her heart. I’m thrilled to share my poems with you, and I hope they are a place of sanctuary for you like they are for me. Life is a crazy thing, and it has thrown more at me than you may think. But in the end, we’re all just people, we’re all...

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  • Tess V. Bington by Tess V. Bington
  • 6 years ago

I really love your poems. They're brilliant. Well done!

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