Heartbreak Poem by Teens

A Poem Of Love And Heartbreak

You fall in love with someone, and when everything seems to be going right, your whole relationship goes wrong. He left, and I don't know why. With every memory we created I don't understand how he could get up and walk away. I wrote this poem as an outlet and so that in my mind I could ask...why? And to admit to myself in my own way that this guy is still the one in my heart.

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Me and my boyfriend were doing great, and then on New Years Eve he broke up with me at 11:30 pm. I was just with friends and we were all going to meet up and then he called and said "We're...

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I Still Love You


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

You had me at hello.
Then you crushed me with goodbye.
I fell so deeply in love with you,
And you left me; tell me why?

The way I held your hand,
The way I'd whisper in your ear,
With every way I'd show you my love,
How did we end up here?

We were the perfect couple.
I loved you, and you loved me.
What made you turn your back on us?
What issues didn't I see?

No matter what the reason is,
One thing will always remain true.
The fact of the matter is...
I'm still completely in love with you.


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  • Hannah Rose by Hannah Rose
  • 9 years ago

Me and my boyfriend were doing great, and then on New Years Eve he broke up with me at 11:30 pm. I was just with friends and we were all going to meet up and then he called and said "We're over", all I could really say was "OK" with a sarcastic tone. I knew he wasn't the nicest person but to break up with me over the phone, that was not okay. So we didn't talk anymore and then after a while he told me why he broke up with me... He claimed that his friends told him that I was going to break up with him and that I had a thing with one of his friends, I didn't. But that just made me realize what kind of person he was and all I want to tell all of you is, get to know the guy you're dating really well because unexpected breakups can really hurt.

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