1. Words Hurt
You should know, bullying hurts.
It starts with one word, one word you blurt.
Fat, ugly, worthless. These are the words they hear.
Did you know you're their biggest fear?
Bullying has caused so much damage over the years. It has caused depression and even suicides. To bully is to show cowardice. A bully puts others down, usually with their words and actions, judging them. Sadly, this only reveals who the bully is: a person who puts others down to feel better about themselves. Bullying can destroy a person emotionally. It is foolish and dangerous. If you are a victim of bullying, don't keep it a secret. Get help. You deserve to know just how many people have been in your situation and are on your side of the battle.
You should know, bullying hurts.
It starts with one word, one word you blurt.
Fat, ugly, worthless. These are the words they hear.
Did you know you're their biggest fear?
I've been bullied starting at the age of 5. Now I'm 27 years old, and bullying is still happening, but online. In my times, there was no "no-bullying" group in any of the schools I've...
I cry myself to sleep at night
Just wishing it would stop.
Maybe tomorrow it will cease.
Then again, maybe not.
Same here! This poem and description relates to me when I was bullied for being German. And maybe because I also suffered from rheumatiod arthrities on top of that. I had freinds in high...
I'm sorry I don't impress you,
Don't act the way you want.
I'm sorry I'm not pretty
And don't have much to flaunt.
I was bullied in the 7th grade because people did not know how to deal with my opinion on what I thought of my now ex-best friend. Soon after that, they started to bully my sister because she...
See that girl,
The one with the smile?
Do you know she's been hurting for a while?
I have thought about suicide and got everything ready, but I thought, "They can't win this battle." I've gotten pills, scissors, all sorts of stuff. I cut myself. I harm. There are always...
How much longer can I take,
Constantly trying not to break,
It goes on and on--day by day,
Another piece of me chiseled away.
Whoever is reading this, I want you to know Jesus loves you and you are never alone…seriously. Just put your faith in him and ask for help, and he has plans for you and he will help you. Just...
Every day when you come through the doors,
You are entering the high school war,
Where you will be shot at with words that could kill.
They are thrown without any rightful skill.
I'm 10 and I was being bullied by two boys (I'm a girl). When that was happening, I felt worthless, like a piece of trash. The brown-haired boy said, "If you wanna see a joke, look in the...
Bullying hurts, don't you see?
You are nothing, but a big bully
Don't you think of what could have been?
What if they put a razor to their skin?
This poem is going to help me and some other people in the club that we are starting at my school the "bully repellent club".
Living in fear, day in and day out,
"Leave me alone," I just want to shout.
When you call me names like stupid and fool,
I don't understand, why are you so cruel?
I am the voice of those afraid to speak,
Those of us society calls weak,
Those you ridicule every day,
The ones who have nothing to say.
I'm honored that you would use my work!!! I'm glad it was of some use :) I honestly haven't really written anything else after this...I kinda wrote this for a poetry project in my English...
I'm good enough;
I don't care what you say.
I'm proud of what
I accomplished today.
Wow! I absolutely, 100%, love this! I think this would be a good lesson for everyone to learn. People shouldn't just rely on others to compliment them, and just because somebody thinks...
The kids pointed and the kids laughed
at the young man that sat in the back of the class.
The one with his head down
This poem is so sad. It made me so emotional. We're in 2020, it was written 11 years ago, but it still touches my heart. This poor boy suffered discrimination and was bullied, and he didn't...
When you feel you're in the dark,
There will always be a light.
There are people who are there for you
To tell you it's all right.
I am like everyone else
I wonder why no one understands me
I hear the whispers
I hear 'em laugh
I know the feeling. I have been bullied for having a crush on people when I didn't. It happened for almost a year. I thought the next year it will be fine, but they started to bully me again...
B-Brutal beatings beyond the feeling of pain
U-Understanding this hurt might get me closer to being sane
L-Love is a myth
L-Life has become like a work of Stephen King
That was brilliant I love that you put in the Stephen King thing. The last line really brings a tear to your eye.
Walking through the school yard,
And sickened by what I see..
All this hatred,
But nothing that surprises me.
This was a long time ago. Once I was walking down the hall in my middle school when I saw two girls and a boy. The boy was cowering in fear as the girl held up a paper. "Ha! You are so bad at...
I wish that you could see
This scared girl inside of me.
I'm not really as I seem.
When I first came into public school, I realized how cruel the world could be. This mask I've created is suffocating me! I can't breathe and the false life that I've created is holding me...
They point their fingers and laugh
As she makes her way down the hall.
She keeps her eyes on the floor
I'm in the 8th grade and have already been to 6 different schools. I understand what it's like to be the new girl nobody likes. I've been the victim of multiple bullying scenarios because I...
Your words, they cut like knives,
but they'll never bring me down.
You may push me in the deep end,
but I will never drown.
Before he crawled into his bed,
He prayed his soul to take.
Then curled up in the darkness,
And spent the night awake.
A wonderful write Patricia...
This poem should be shown in every school
so kids know bullying's against the rules
That everyone has a place on this earth
to live in peace and realise...
My world is starting to die.
and I slowly start to cry.
People talking smack,
right behind my back.
Don't listen to what they say and what they think of you. Work harder than them and show them you are stronger than them. Killing yourself is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I...