Bullying Poem

The Effects Of Bullying

I wrote this poem after I had been bullied by different students for 5 years. I started experiencing flashbacks and anxiety attacks from those horrible events at school. I wrote this poem to express my feelings, but more importantly to show how important it is for teachers and students to take bullying seriously, here focusing on verbal bullying. Hurtful comments can remain with a person for years and crush their self-esteem. Bullying is not something that anyone should have to go through.

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Wounding Words


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

Living in fear, day in and day out,
"Leave me alone," I just want to shout.
When you call me names like stupid and fool,
I don't understand, why are you so cruel?

My stomach hurts, my heart's beating fast,
'Cause nobody likes me; I'm always picked last.
The smile I once had on my face is now gone,
I'm all alone, never had anyone.

I can't wipe out the tears that I've cried,
I'm torn and broken, bleeding inside.
The wounds won't heal, scars won't go away,
I just cannot take this another day.

Nobody hears my voice when I scream
That things aren't always the way they seem.
A smile could conceal a very deep fear,
A thing that seems distant could be very near.

I'm sitting here alone in the rain,
Writing this poem and crying in pain.
They say words don't hurt, but I know that they do;
Please stop bullying me, I'm begging you.

After five long years of torment the bullying finally stopped.
It wasn't until then that my mood seriously dropped.
The memories haunted me, the words ringing in my ears,
And I became more and more afraid of my peers.

The pain consumed me, as I drowned in despair,
The feelings overwhelmed me; my heart felt beyond repair.
I couldn't take it anymore; I didn't know how to cope.
I didn't want to live; I had lost all hope.

To teachers and parents, I want to say this:
It's too late to save me,
but please save other kids.


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