Bullying Poem

I was a bully as a child. I was mean and hateful. As I grew older, I looked back at what I'd done, and I was horrified at the devastation I had left in my path. The words I said had faded away, but the scars were forever burned on those people. I wrote this poem from the perspective of those I've hurt. It was a way for me to feel a small piece of what they had felt back then and I could finally taste, for even just a moment, the bitterness of my words.

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I was bullied in the 7th grade because people did not know how to deal with my opinion on what I thought of my now ex-best friend. Soon after that, they started to bully my sister because she...

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All I Ask


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2015 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry I don't impress you,
Don't act the way you want.
I'm sorry I'm not pretty
And don't have much to flaunt.

I'm sorry you can't accept me
For the way I am inside.
I'm sorry that your cruel words
Make me run and hide.

I'm sorry I'm not in your clique
And that I don't fit in.
I'm sorry that being born, to you,
Was such an awful sin.

I'm sorry I'm so ordinary,
Not an extraordinaire.
Does that give you reason, though,
To stand and cast your glare?

I don't know what to tell you
To make you stop your games,
And I can't think of a way for you
To take back all those names.

Please answer me this question,
And please be honest, too.
What do you get from hurting me?
What does it do for you?

We may not understand each other
Or ever get along,
But I've never said one word to you,
Never done you wrong.

So do me just one favor,
Just one simple task.
Please stop being mean to me.
This is all I ask.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kendall by Kendall
  • 2 years ago

I was bullied in the 7th grade because people did not know how to deal with my opinion on what I thought of my now ex-best friend. Soon after that, they started to bully my sister because she dated someone a year younger than her. I was bullied by the "popular kids," and they did not leave me alone until a few months after, but two still just messed with me and my sister and they would try to make me cry and made me feel like I wanted to kill myself. I soon realized that they just did it for satisfaction, and I then started to ignore them. I would ask my parents if I could stay home just to avoid them. I said sorry and I felt it was going well until I snitched on them jokingly and they then began it again. One was older than me, and the other was a bit younger than me. They would say all these insults to my face and behind my back. No person would help me out, and I was just alone in the dark and had no one on my side, and I fell into depression. I am now in a happier place.

  • Emily Hancock by Emily Hancock
  • 4 years ago

I feel the same way. I was a bully in school, and I actually bullied the girl I was falling for, pushing her away because I was scared of my sexual orientation. I regret it terribly and wish I could apologize but she still has me blocked on everything and if I try to contact her through old friends through school or anything, she rejects, so now I have to live with what I did.

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