Poem about Life Struggles

Don't Let Others Define You

In this age of social media, so many people allow themselves to be defined by the opinions of others. If they don't get a "like," they feel wounded. This poem is about letting your own beliefs and opinions define who you are. Don't let the criticism of others define you. Define your own goals and be happy with your own successes. Don't worry about what others do or say.

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Wow! I absolutely, 100%, love this! I think this would be a good lesson for everyone to learn. People shouldn't just rely on others to compliment them, and just because somebody thinks...

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I'm My Own Best Friend

© more by Zorian Alexis

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

I'm good enough;
I don't care what you say.
I'm proud of what
I accomplished today.

Maybe I didn't win
Or even place,
But I tried really hard
And finished the race.

I set a personal best,
Which makes me feel good.
I did much better
Than I thought I could.

Why do you criticize
And try to make me feel small?
Does it make you feel better
When I stumble and fall?

Well, I'm here to tell you
That I won't let your words hurt.
Because when I fall,
I'll just pick myself up from the dirt.

And I'll keep on fighting
Until the end,
With a cheerleader in my corner,
Because I'm my own best friend.

So unless you have something
Positive to say,
I suggest you keep your mouth shut
And just go away.

Because my best friend and I
Are about to celebrate;
And we can do without you
Or your small-minded hate.


more by Zorian Alexis

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  • 5 years ago

Wow! I absolutely, 100%, love this! I think this would be a good lesson for everyone to learn. People shouldn't just rely on others to compliment them, and just because somebody thinks something about you, doesn't mean it's true! It matters what you think, not anyone else.

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