1. Carry On
I don't hate you,
Because I still love you.
I can't look at you,
Because it hurts to.
Poems about Breakups. When two people are intimate with each other, this is the highest level that a relationship can reach. Whether or not the breakup is desirable, one thing is for sure, it will make a monumental difference in the lives of the people involved. Poetry about a breakup is likely to contain intense pain, anger, and sadness. In a close relationship, man and woman become like one. When the relationship is dissolved it may feel like your body is being ripped in half.
It all started at the end of summer. She was sad, and I was angry at the things she was sad about. I wanted to make her happy. I can't normally stand to see people sad. So after a long week...
I could ask you to stay,
But there's really nothing left to say.
This breakup has been emotional and long,
He was so perfect in every way and I love him dearly, but towards the end things became so toxic. We no longer had the passion, respect, and the abundant love we once shared. This poem...
Someday you'll miss me like I missed you.
Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you.
Someday you'll want me back like I wanted you.
Someday you'll understand why you broke my heart when I didn't.
This poem reminded me so much of myself. I was a mess when my ex left me but then I cut him off and now he gives me sad eyes like he's so sorry but I don't fall for it, he hurt me too many...
As I sit in my corner and think about your lies,
I have nothing else to do but break down and cry.
You knew it would end,
You knew it would die,
You keep on trying! I might be young and don't understand love, but I know how it is to trust someone and they just stab you in the back, and yes, guys are like that. I have been through hell...
I'm tired of dreaming.
I'm through with trying.
Tired of living, yet scared of dying.
Maybe things are good for you,
I was in a relationship that destroyed my straight A's, and I later found out he was cheating on me, which made sense because he was always apologizing even when he didn't do anything and...
All good things come to an end,
Even the gifts that God sends,
Like her, the angel He sent from above
From the bottom of my soul, I truly feel that we are meant to be. I will love and cherish you. Till death do us part. I'm telling you all this from the bottom of my heart. Right now it...
I sit on my bed every night.
I look for a star to wish on, but not one is in sight.
So I try to sleep, but all I see is you.
I think to myself, is he feeling this too?
The hardest thing for me is to say "goodbye." I am scared of letting go of someone you truely love. But sometimes we need to face all the fears that might. Till now I keep questioning myself...
You took my fears away
And made them true.
You took my love away
And ripped my heart out, too.
Hi, I don't know how to start..... I was a very quiet, self-absorbed person, but I was happy the way I was. This boy came, and many girls went after him, not me. He started getting interested...
You had me at hello.
Then you crushed me with goodbye.
I fell so deeply in love with you,
And you left me; tell me why?
Me and my boyfriend were doing great, and then on New Years Eve he broke up with me at 11:30 pm. I was just with friends and we were all going to meet up and then he called and said "We're...
Over the years I've been through so much,
But it all seemed worth it when I first felt your touch.
In the blink of an eye you've gone away.
All that's left are memories of yesterday.
Thanks so much for this poem. It really express my feelings. I'm trying to heal from a breakup with someone I've been dating for 3 years. The breakup just happened a few weeks ago. I'm so...
No one told me about this pain.
Everything hurts, even my pride.
It's these emotions I am forced to contain.
I always enjoy reading and learning about different poetry styles. Thanks for being a great teacher. The poem was excellent. Best wishes.
Hard to breathe
Weird to touch
Acting normal
Think too much
I just went through the same. I was in two years of a long distance relationship and found out he dated other girls and not only one. I once found out and talked to him about it but he called...
You walked away
Left me alone
Nothing to say
No place to call home
I remember the good things we used to share,
The happiness we endured, the deep love and care.
The air was as light as a feather;
I like the poem. I learned as a young adult that I couldn't make anyone do anything, especially love me. And I also figured out it was not in me to be with someone who didn't want to be with...
I know you say you love me,
But you don't see
How this breaks my heart,
Since we are now apart.
Buddy, I feel your pain. Obviously, reading divorce poems... I too was married for 16 years with two children. Oh how I wish I could have made her feel more love. She's gone now and I...
Wow! Good job. Sometimes hindsight will have us saying "What if?" And in the final review of an ended relationship, there may have been something else we could have done to make things work...
Every day hurts as much as the last.
If I could turn back time, I'd return to the past.
A past where things were lovely and true.
I was drowning in the sea.
You took one look then suffocated me.
Bubbles came in through my mouth as I screamed.
They exited my nose when I tried to breathe.
Love is a four letter word,
that makes your heart sore.
You think you're in love,
Admiring her beauty
When we first met
Her blond hair and body
I just wanted to get