Breaking Up Poem

Poem About Holding On To The Past

I love writing poems, and this is my first time ever submitting one. I hope you like it.

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The hardest thing for me is to say "goodbye." I am scared of letting go of someone you truely love. But sometimes we need to face all the fears that might. Till now I keep questioning myself...

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I'm Still Lovin' You


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2015 with permission of the Author.

I sit on my bed every night.
I look for a star to wish on, but not one is in sight.
So I try to sleep, but all I see is you.
I think to myself, is he feeling this too?
You've hurt me so many times, but I can't be mad.
Instead, I sit around crying and being sad,
But before I go to sleep every night, I always smile
Because even though we didn't last long, it was worth the while.
You may not feel this feeling between us two,
But in the end you won't find anyone who loves you as much as I do.
I'll admit, I don't understand.
I put my trust in you and all you want is to be my friend?
I ask myself why.
Did you have to keep me hanging on so long and then say goodbye?
I wish you would've told me from the start.
Because of you, now all I have left are the memories and a broken heart.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jhany Y. Alba by Jhany Y. Alba
  • 3 years ago

The hardest thing for me is to say "goodbye." I am scared of letting go of someone you truely love. But sometimes we need to face all the fears that might. Till now I keep questioning myself even though I did the best I could. Still the pain remains. I can't choose between my love and my family because I love them all with all my heart. My family needs me but I can't leave the man I love. I can't tell them the truth I hide. Don't know what to do.

  • MarQuee by MarQuee
  • 6 years ago

I had been with a girl with same way. It's really painful to see the same person daily and not be able to do anything. I tried very hard. It's been a year and a half, and I'm still not able to overcome it. Your poem really touched me. Keep writing!

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 6 years ago

Why does it still hurt so much? I see him every day, and I have had a guy after him, but I still can't get over him. The worst part is he will never know. It still hurts, and he's rubbing it in. He doesn't care, and I guess he never did.

  • Idk by Idk
  • 5 years ago

I was like that once. Then I met a wonderful guy who cares to help me when I'm upset, and he really helps. I have waited for the right person, and now I feel like he was in front of my eyes this whole time. He was always so nice to me in school, and I used to love his brother, but I know I had to do something, and I did. I chose the other brother who was nice to me, so what I'm trying to tell you is you just gotta wait for the right one.

  • Kim by Kim
  • 7 years ago

My fear of losing him is great. I really do see myself loving someone else the way I love him. I feel like I have broken my own heart. I will always love and miss you, baby.

  • Raghav Singh by Raghav Singh
  • 7 years ago

I'm in love with a very cute girl. She is my friend. I don't know whether she loves me or not. Due to fear of losing her friendship, I never told her my feelings. But now I'm very update, and the whole day I think, "What should I do?"

  • Oladapo Sodiq by Oladapo Sodiq
  • 7 years ago

The fear of being rejected is strong. Get back your self-confidence. The worst she can say is no, and if she is mature enough it won’t affect your friendship. Free your mind, find a cool and serene environment and talk to her. Since you guys are friends, you should know her best.

  • Sharlene Crum by Sharlene Crum
  • 8 years ago

My relationship with J started off on a rough note. We both had some struggles and decided to take it slow. It was going great! We were spending so much time together having fun. Then a month in we got the shock of a lifetime. I was pregnant. It was a miracle as J was told he couldn't have kids so imagine our surprise. But sadly I miscarried at week 6. We were both upset but know God has his reasons. But due to many ups and downs and some heated arguments we are taking some time apart. I know God united us for a reason. I hope one day we can be together. But if we drift apart I know in my heart it was worth it!

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