Breaking Up Poem

Hi, I wrote this poem when my boyfriend of a year left me for another woman. This talks about how he took everything away from me that made me who I was. He broke my heart and took everything away that ever made me happy about myself.

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Hi, I don't know how to start..... I was a very quiet, self-absorbed person, but I was happy the way I was. This boy came, and many girls went after him, not me. He started getting interested...

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I Lost It


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

You took my fears away
And made them true.
You took my love away
And ripped my heart out, too.
You took my laughter away,
And my happiness, too,
And let all my sadness
And tears get through.
The rest of me that was left
Also left with you.
I lost myself
When I lost you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Areum by Areum
  • 3 years ago

Hi, I don't know how to start..... I was a very quiet, self-absorbed person, but I was happy the way I was. This boy came, and many girls went after him, not me. He started getting interested in me - he sat with me in my same class and followed me everywhere. He made me love him, I fell for him. Life was good. I was a girl from a middle-class family. He was a rich kid, son of a great businessmen. I lost my parents when I was 11 years old. I grew up all alone from a young age. My fearful day came, and I saw a video of him saying, "I'm just using her as a tool for my entertainment. I will get rid of her when I'm done." I was really shattered. I talked with him, he cried while accepting the truth. We broke up.... I decided to stand up boldly, fierce, and mentally strong. I was no longer the quiet or shy girl. I studied harder, invested my time and money in opening a company. Now I'm standing as the CEO of a great company in South Asia. I am happy, but the pain is a scar now.

  • Neli Skyline by Neli Skyline
  • 7 years ago

I fell in love with a man 5 years older, and because of all the opinions and comments, we broke up, but I still love him.

  • Jayde by Jayde
  • 12 years ago

I fell in love with a guy 7 years older than me but we didn't go that far. He was so nice and generous I miss him so god damn much it isn't even funny!!! xo

  • Amanda Umthatha by Amanda Umthatha
  • 12 years ago

I fell in love with a men 20 years older than me he told me he loved me and I also loved him till the day he raped me and I was infected by HIV. I hate him and feel so lonely I haven't told any one about this.

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