Breaking Up Poem

This wasn't written for anyone in particular. Hopefully it will make someone feel better who is going through a breakup.

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Thanks so much for this poem. It really express my feelings. I'm trying to heal from a breakup with someone I've been dating for 3 years. The breakup just happened a few weeks ago. I'm so...

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Your Touch

© more by Dan

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2017 with permission of the Author.

Over the years I've been through so much,
But it all seemed worth it when I first felt your touch.
In the blink of an eye you've gone away.
All that's left are memories of yesterday.
They say you don't know what you've got until it's gone.
I couldn't disagree more; I've known all along.
You're beautiful outside and in.
On top of that, you're my best friend.
I hope you feel better; I hope you can smile.
Just know that I'll be praying for you all the while.
If there's anything I can do, just let me know,
Because it's in times like these that true love will grow.
Take things slowly; there is no rush,
But until I see you again, I'll be longing for your touch.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Fizzybanty by Fizzybanty
  • 7 years ago

Thanks so much for this poem. It really express my feelings. I'm trying to heal from a breakup with someone I've been dating for 3 years. The breakup just happened a few weeks ago. I'm so hurt, though I'm the one who initiated it and she's found another guy who has proposed to her already. This makes it harder to bear. She's everything to me. I know she moved on so fast and I should wish her well in her new relationship. I hope this poem will help me to do just that.

  • RasGad by RasGad
  • 5 years ago

This poem sums up my entire life for the past 3 years. It felt as if I wrote this! Hope it gets better because my heart is crumbling away, every second of every day.

  • Gavin Moffat by Gavin Moffat
  • 6 years ago

Hope you're finding it a bit easier now and have begun to look back on all the nice things. I recently broke up with someone after 12 years. I hope to look back on the good times.
Good luck,

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