Breaking Up Poem

It Breaks My Heart To Say Goodbye

The story behind the first poem I've ever written is about the love of my life. We spent 11 wonderful years together, and suddenly things changed. She is the most amazing girl I've ever met, but things didn't turn out as I nor she planned. We've broken up, and I am a shadow of my former self. I wrote this poem for her. This is for you, Nemo. I'll always love you forever and ever. God bless you.

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The One That Got Away


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

Every day hurts as much as the last.
If I could turn back time, I'd return to the past.

A past where things were lovely and true.
A past where I know I could be with you.

With the future, it is still unknown.
I thank you though for the love you had shown.

My world has been turned upside down.
Each day gets harder from what I have found.

I try to be strong, but I always fail.
At times I can't believe that this is real.

Many a night I have dreamt about you.
I wonder, have you dreamt of me too?

You were my heart; you were my soul.
You filled me with joy and made me whole.

You will always be within my heart.
Love can be cruel, but it can be art.

You truly mean the world to me.
So because of love, I've set you free.

You're beautiful outside and within.
On top of that, you're my best friend.

I'll always have you on my mind.
It's sad, as real love is hard to find.

I've always believed you were my soulmate.
Now the decision may lay with fate.

Things have changed and there are different paths.
Now we are separate and different halves.

You hold my heart forever, I hope.
I pray that one day I'll be able to cope.

You made me happy all of the time.
I only wish that one day you'll be mine.

If there's anything I can do, please be sure to let me know.
It's times like these when true love grows.

One eye on the future, one eye on the past.
I will try to make these memories last.

I will always remember what we once shared.
I need you to know that I always cared.

If there's a future where we will be,
It's something I'm sure I'll look forward to see.

I can never get you out of my head.
I wish only happy things be there instead.

I'll cherish every moment until the day I am gone.
You, my love, have always shone.

I wish, I wish you were by my side.
It would fill me with lots of pride.

The truest love is hard to find.
After losing you, I've lost my mind.

You were me and I was you.
I hope you know as I do too.

Love's not a feeling but something you give.
Without the love, it's crushing to live.

Until and if we meet again.
My love for you will always reign.

Take care, my love, and don't forget.
I've a lot of love here, I'm sure of it.

Please never forget me, remember the good.
Think of me always as I know you should.

I hope our paths connect again one day.
I will always dream you'll come back to stay.

I love you, I always will.
The love we shared was such a thrill.

For now, my love, I must say goodbye.
It breaks my heart; I shall not lie.

God bless you; God bless you good.
Please love me always as I know you could.


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