1. Silence
Famous Poem
O many and vain, Belovéd,
The words I spoke to you
In those first wondering hours
When love was new!
Is there a difference between spending all your time together and being married? The answer is yes. Once you tie the knot, the whole mechanics of the relationship changes. You are tied to each other, you have made a commitment, and you can't simply walk out when things don't go your way. You're in this for the long haul and that commitment makes all the difference. The degree of love and affection that you share will intensify immeasurably. You will find that there is potential in your relationship for the bonding of two souls within the security of marriage.
Famous Poem
O many and vain, Belovéd,
The words I spoke to you
In those first wondering hours
When love was new!
Famous Poem
The Wife
The house is like a garden,
The children are the flowers,
The gardener should come methinks
Today will be perfect
In every single way.
A beautiful fairy tale
For your wedding day.
Beautiful and apt words. This is wonderful. It is more than a poem. It is contributing to happy people. We need a happier world. Harmony and betterment of mankind.
Devotion for his sweetheart, he stood close by her side,
And held her hand through good and bad,
His love he would never hide.
When I first met you I felt like I had you forever. Forever I'll love you.
You're so special - more than you know and more than I show.
You're my soul mate, you're my lover, you're all that I know.
It's your smile and it's your eyes; it's your heart and it's your cries.
I know my husband also loves me so much like you. I'm a lucky one but he will never express it like this poem. It is heart touching.
M is for Making a future that will last.
A is for Accepting both the present and the past.
R is for Respect for each other every day.
R is for Remembering those special things to say.
I miss your touch, the smile on you face and the sound of your voice so sweet
I love as the day ends, to lie in each other's arms, to kiss you and to feel your heartbeat
I love to feel you in my arms as you sleep so peaceful and sweet
I met this woman who swept me off my feet. She was so charming and charismatic. In the time we've been together our devotion and loyalty has been tested. I would give my last breath for her...
The two of you have gathered
At this beautiful church today.
You've invited all of your family and friends
To celebrate your wedding day.
Two hearts broken, torn and bleeding
Stumbling through the darkest days
They collide and resume their beating
Speeding up along the way
I have been lucky enough to feel the your touch
You are my love and to me you mean so much
Please believe that another soul loves you more than life
You inspire
Inspire me everyday
Everyday, now and always
Ha! Now you're just flattering me ;) Truly it means a GREAT deal to me to hear that, Ann. More than you know...
Looking forward to your next masterpiece.
We're getting older now our time is coming to an end
I just need to know if you'd pick me again
There's Reincarnation I've heard that it's true
When I get back here I'll start looking for you
I want us to be together,
Need us to be a pair,
And together we shall stay,
For there are memories to share.
Deep in darkness, where shadows roam,
Emerged two dancing lights, seeking a home.
With grace and radiance, they began their quest,
To find solace and love, in this realm's chest.
These days, that moment haunts me,
That first moment we met.
You were a vision from the heavens
That I never would forget.
Oh Ann, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine the pain you must be in. Having a lifelong love is such a blessing but watching them be sick would be a torture. I feel stupid trying to...
While walking through seventeen
I picked a bright red rose.
I was living wild and reckless; it changed my life, I suppose.
A blue ribbon winner with its brilliant flare.
Wow ! Your father is blessed .. not all can express their feelings soo well !
Some can just rely on Google and search for what they want ! ..
It's just outstanding !!! .. I'm falling short...
In a secret garden,
At a table just for two,
I'll be waiting, darling, waiting there for you.
We'll lock the gate behind us.
Ten years, a husband
To you, my darling wife.
A gentle hand, a smile,
Changed the way of life.
Great poem. I am coming up on ten years with my wife, eight years of marriage. This poem says a lot and hits close to home. Thank you for sharing.
Because you were young and did not know me,
these are some firsts that I did not see.
Your first toothless smile
Growing up I've learned about love.
I've been surrounded by it every day.
I'm so glad you've both found it,
And it's why we're here today.