Love Poem about Marriage

Finding Happiness In Turbulence

This poem portrays the love of two lovers who through all adversities still find each other; because love always wins in the end.

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Dancing Lights


Published by Family Friend Poems March 29, 2024 with permission of the Author.

Deep in darkness, where shadows roam,
Emerged two dancing lights, seeking a home.
With grace and radiance, they began their quest,
To find solace and love, in this realm's chest.

With every step they took, a spark ignited,
Their gentle glow, beauty perfected.
They moved in sync, their souls intertwined,
Emanating warmth, and leaving darkness behind.

Whispering secrets, they danced in the night,
Their delightful flickers, a mesmerizing sight.
With every twirl, the darkness grew weak,
As their love illuminated, reaching its peak.

Their lights blended, like heavenly bliss,
Guiding lost souls, soothing hearts with a kiss.
With each twinkle, hope flourished anew,
A beacon of love, forever shining through.

Together they danced, defeating the night,
Their union a testament, a pure delight.
Two dancing lights, entwined in embrace,
Illuminating darkness and leaving no trace.

For in the vastness of shadows, they found,
A love so profound, it knew no bound.
Their dance forever resonates, within each heart,
Two lights that found each other, never
to depart.


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