Love Poem about Marriage

Poem To Beautiful Wife

This is written for my wife of 30 years. I have known the perfection of her embrace, and I've had 33 years of loving this lady. It can never be as perfect as it is with her. Pammy is my wife and always my motivation. I thank her for all she is and all she has given me.

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To Taste The Sweet Perfection Of Your Embrace

© more by Danny Blackburn

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

I have been lucky enough to feel the your touch
You are my love and to me you mean so much

Please believe that another soul loves you more than life
You were and are the most perfect and beautiful wife

To taste the sweet perfection of you embrace
Always puts my heart in a better place

Your sweet scent has brought light into my world
For me you are and will be my only girl

Your tender caresses have filled my heart with life
God knows that I love you, my beautiful wife

Within my eyes I hold you, to hear your voice touches my heart
I can close my eyes and see your beauty, you are with me when we are apart

In your arms I have known your laughter
I pray that we are together now and forever after

In your smile I have known peace that has filled my heart
To think of your laughter makes me smile when we are apart

You are my life, my wife, my love


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