Wife Poem

Poem About A Lifelong Romance

My father-in-law wrote this to his wife, and it all comes from the heart. He is a great man loved by his family and friends and still so full of love and life, just a great person.

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Wow ! Your father is blessed .. not all can express their feelings soo well ! Some can just rely on Google and search for what they want ! .. It's just outstanding !!! .. I'm falling short...

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My Rose Never Faded


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

While walking through seventeen 
I picked a bright red rose.
I was living wild and reckless; it changed my life, I suppose.
A blue ribbon winner with its brilliant flare.
Its beauty was enchanting like a breath of mountain air.
I kept it near my heart, red velvet all aglow.
Why God gave me this gift, I guess I'll never know.
Withstanding troubled times and a heartbreak now and then,
But the rose never wilted, amazing me once again.
Roses bloom in their season then die and fall apart.
My rose kept on living, rooted deep within my heart.
My days are growing short now; I have lived a fulfilled life. 
The rose I picked when I was young is my fateful loving wife. 
She gave me three sons and they filled my bouquet.
Pride and pleasure overflowed to see them blossom day by day.
We have grown old together and my heart is still elated after all the years gone by.
My rose never faded.

For my Loving wife


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kanchi by Kanchi, India
  • 14 years ago

Wow ! Your father is blessed .. not all can express their feelings soo well !
Some can just rely on Google and search for what they want ! ..
It's just outstanding !!! .. I'm falling short of words !..

  • Polokwa by Polokwa
  • 14 years ago

The poem remind me of my mom and dad, when my dad was sick I saw lot of love for him to my mom, he didn't want to die, he was always saying to my mom who will take care of you when I'm gone.

  • Carol by Carol, Texas
  • 14 years ago

This so describes my father in law who passed before my mother in law. He was her ROSE as he was to Her. They are now together and I treasure every day that I knew TWO BEAUTIFUL ROSES. May their love always stay dear to in our memories.

  • Kylara by Kylara
  • 15 years ago

That poem brought tears to my eyes damn it. Beautiful. Your father is a very thoughtful man. Very, very sweet.

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