Wife Poem

Poem About How To Treat Your Wife

This poem is for husbands, filled with good advice on how to treat your wife.

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I can't speak for all husbands, but for myself, I have been guilty of under appreciating my wife over the years. I wouldn't go as far as saying we don't care if you exist, but we do get...

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A Good Woman


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

One you should treasure, but not as a possession,
Who needs to be loved, not treated with aggression.
Her value is more than all the world's treasures,
Not just the sum of scale's unit measures.
She should always be built up, not torn down,
By all the words you speak, when she is around.
She needs to be hugged and not pushed away,
Especially when you are both having a really bad day.
Words spoken to her in haste and anger
Can place her fragile heart in danger.
She should be admired for her boundless love,
And looked upon as a true gift from Above.
Not used as a target for all your frustration,
But held close and kissed with loving admiration.
You should always appreciate her commitment to you,
And not take for granted what she's given up for you!
Kiss her and love her all that you possibly can,
And don't be embarrassed to be seen holding her hand.
Treasure each day as if it were the last,
And at the end of your life you won't be regretting your past.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • James B Rogers, Jr. by James B Rogers, Jr.
  • 4 years ago

I like this poem. My wife and I aren't exactly going through a rough patch, but there are some things that we don't exactly see eye to eye on. Please forgive me though. I made all of the pronouns personal, and I made a slight change to the sixth line: "By all the words you speak, when she is around." I said; "By all the words I speak, even when she's not around." This counts all time with her and out of sight. I sent her this poem, and she lit up like a Christmas tree. Your poem has nailed every bit of what I had to say. Thank You!!

  • Martins Boyejo by Martins Boyejo
  • 7 years ago

This is awesome! The poetic flow has captured what true love entails. I can't forget the tears of joy cascading down my wife's face when I shared this with her. Thanks for this piece.

  • Ana Tajora by Ana Tajora
  • 7 years ago

I really love this poem. Through this poem I really felt the real essence of being a woman. Thanks for this inspiring poem. God bless.

  • Rebell by Rebell
  • 7 years ago

This poem is exactly what me and my boyfriend are going through right now. We have our moments and he does say stuff in anger that hurts. I guess I'm not the only one out here in this world that goes through stuff like this. I love your poem.

  • Maitri by Maitri
  • 7 years ago

The words are expressed by keeping husband and wife's emotional journey during their Married life in mind. Luckily my husband is very caring and loving husband, but still there are moments of misunderstanding, distrust, which makes us to go through a tense time. But if all husbands can take this poem seriously, I think many divorces can be avoided. The poet is successful in communicating the best way to keep best relationship between husband and wife.

  • Fred May by Fred May, Covington , Georgia
  • 7 years ago

I really liked this a lot. I lost my wife, Robin, on 12-1-2014. We were married for 20+ years, and when she died I was devastated. This poem touched my heart. Thank you for sharing it here!

  • Fiorella Brindani by Fiorella Brindani
  • 7 years ago

I completely understand you. I lost my loving partner on 06/07/15, and it breaks my heart until now. Beautiful poem.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 7 years ago

Very nice poem, I really like it. One of my fav on this website.

  • Abu Zafar by Abu Zafar, Banglaesh
  • 8 years ago

The poem is well explained about the responsibility of a husband to his wife, thus it touches the mind of a reader. The life of a man is not complete without wife. So good understanding in between is must. It is only possible through mutual love between them. The poet has tried to put up the role of a husband to her wife very nicely. It will certainly be helpful for the others. I admire the poet for writing this poem and will expect more poems of this nature.

  • Adam R. Scarberry by Adam R. Scarberry
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful. Thank you so much. I emailed this to my wife because it is just perfect. Having recently been through rough times and even separated for a short time, this really hits home. I can definitely draw some inspiration from this. Thank you again for sharing this.
Adam S.

  • Abu Zafar by Abu Zafar, Banglaesh
  • 8 years ago

It doesn't matter how far your wife stays. The important part is how deeply your mind touches her even when she is away from you.

  • Jeremy by Jeremy, Tennessee
  • 10 years ago

My wife and I have been having some issues over the past few days. I was brought to tears by this poem. I sent this to her as it is exactly how I feel. Thank you

  • Marc by Marc, London Uk
  • 11 years ago

I'm guilty of this, as a man who treated his wife exactly the opposite to this poem, and was so wrapped in my own problems, I did see it coming, I did try to do something about it, I still am, all I can do is hope I haven't flushed 15 hard but loving yrs down the drain, this poem had me in tears. Why? cos I'm slowly starting to love you again, I'm so sorry.

  • Mafuty by Mafuty, South African
  • 14 years ago

It really touched my heart because most of the time, we as women are not appreciated. Our husbands don't even care if we exist, it's normally all about them. Sometimes we tend to be too clingy but not realizing it, we want them next to us every single day. Then both of us wouldn't have time for ourselves. We tend to love them more than ourselves. What exactly can we to maintain our relationships/marriages without putting pressure to each of us?

  • Sarah M by Sarah M
  • 7 years ago

This is so true. Sigh. I was like this. Now I'm learning to be my own and have fun on my own. Men do not like when we are clingy, but it's the emotional part of us.

  • Adam R. Scarberry by Adam R. Scarberry
  • 8 years ago

I can't speak for all husbands, but for myself, I have been guilty of under appreciating my wife over the years. I wouldn't go as far as saying we don't care if you exist, but we do get wrapped up in our lives and our jobs and sometimes forget about all the things that loving wives do to make the world go round. We (or I) also tend to forget that a simple "thank you" or "I appreciate that" can go a long way to a deserving woman. This poem is a perfect reminder to husbands that even the simplest actions can make a woman feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  • Lekha Kerela by Lekha Kerela
  • 14 years ago

ya it touched me very much..
it shows the mind and soul of a women
she is always neglected after use by all..
the men those who read this .. if they change their mind towards wife and daughters, it's the achievement of the author

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