Famous Love Poem

This poem reflects the evolution of a relationship from its initial excitement to a deeper, more profound connection. The poet uses contrast and imagery to convey this transition. In the beginning, words are "many and vain," illustrating the excitement and eagerness to express newfound love. The use of "mystic land" as imagery signifies the deeper, almost magical understanding the couple reaches over time. The repetition of "Belovéd" emphasizes the enduring affection, while the shift to silence in the final lines symbolizes a mature, unspoken bond where words are no longer necessary because of mutual understanding.

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Famous Poem


By more Jessie B. Rittenhouse

O many and vain, Belovéd,
    The words I spoke to you
In those first wondering hours
    When love was new!

Now we have wandered together
    Into a mystic land,
Now we are silent, Belovéd,
    Because we understand.


more Jessie B. Rittenhouse

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