1. The True Meaning Of Life
The years have passed by
In the blink of an eye,
Moments of sadness
And joy have flown by.
It is the thesis of the great psychoanalyst Viktor Frankl that man can endure any hardship as long as he can find meaning in the experience. Incidentally, as a survivor of Nazi Concentration Camps he was in a position to know. Thankfully, most of us are not tested in such extreme conditions. However, the principle is the same. Human beings cannot live without meaning. Depression is the natural outcome of living a life that is bereft of purpose.
The years have passed by
In the blink of an eye,
Moments of sadness
And joy have flown by.
I couldn't have said it any better than Patricia Fleming. This is exactly how I feel. I've gone that route where I would buy things in the hope that I would feel better, however, it never...
Famous Poem
It doesn't interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
what you ache for
I love this more than words. I think of these words often, especially in times that I feel as though I haven't done much through the years, and I'm sweetly reminded that I HAVE done so much!...
To learn while still a child
What this life is meant to be.
To know it goes beyond myself,
It's so much more than me.
I teach in an urban district where I have a first-hand look at life from a different perspective. I teach seniors who are getting ready to go into a world where they are thought to be NOT as...
Let me live within the moment.
Let me feel all that I can.
Let me cherish life for all it's worth,
With everything I am.
Hi Pat! I love this poem and others that you have submitted. You seem to write about life, and I do the same. I like to write from the heart and so do you. They make you stop and think how...
Some feelings are shallow, some feelings are deep.
Some make us smile, some make us weep.
Some we love, some we don't.
I, too, have dealt with depression most of my life. I have learned two things. Feelings are just that. They are fleeting. They come and they go. I have also learned to rely on my rock, my...
Analysis of Form and Technique
Life may not let me choose my lot,
But whether I'd be happy or not...
That is my choice.
I really loved this poem. It is simple but lovely, the sort of thing you could hand to anyone having troubles with life. The choice is theirs to let things worry them and spoil their lives or...
Famous Poem
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!—
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
My deceased husband introduced me to this poem 55 years ago, and I've always considered it a great gift.
Simple Sam was a simple man.
He lived each day by a simple plan.
Enjoy your life and live while you can.
Make each day count and take a stand.
Perfection was created
to make us feel imperfect,
but imperfect, of course,
is the perfect thing to be.
This is really a wonderful poem. It reflect what most of us strive for. My heart became light as I realized I need to be happy rather than perfect. Thank you.
So fleeting is this thing called life, we journey toward its end,
experiencing pieces of a puzzle we don't truly comprehend.
The hues of our emotion paint a picture of our past,
I love this poem. Very artful, well balanced, and full of depth. You struck a nerve with me. I often like to say that life has two real purposes. One, to find, build, and refine our...
If I were to leave this world today, I'd want to be remembered, it's true,
for going that extra mile just to show my love for you.
I'd want for you to be proud of me and know I always tried.
When you hurt, I did, too; your tears I also cried.
Beautiful poem. It inspires me a lot with Einstein's words, "Try not to be a success but of value." It goes into my inner core and resonates a deep feeling in me, to live a purposeful life....
Memories are life's special moments
Borrowed from the passing of time.
Ghosts and shadows from bygone days,
Etched and stored inside our mind.
Hi Laurie, I know what you're experiencing with your Mom. My Mom has Parkinson's and Dementia. This year her memory has gotten very bad. She imagines things that don't exist, at times forgets...
As I walk through life,
I look at all I have done.
I had wandered aimlessly
And wondered what I have become.
A wonderful poem and every word is true. At the moment, a dreadful trauma my hubby is going through, that goes for me too. He was suddenly struck down with sepsis and was seriously ill. He...
Time is slow, time is fast.
It never stops, but it always lasts.
It's time for bed, it's time for school.
To waste your time is to be a fool.
Sisters made a great impact on my life. In 1949, at age six, I was brought to St Clara's Orphanage because neighbors found me alone in an empty house. It just so happened that I was born with...
Famous Poem
Sure, this world is full of trouble
I ain't said it ain't.
Lord, I've had enough and double
Reason for complaint;
Wow, this poem gives a cool perspective on life. This poem makes one realize worrying doesn't help.
Everyone is searching
for the missing piece in life.
The key to unlock the door
and steal back all lost time.
This is such a perceptive and mature poem from one so young. Her message in this poem is "Happiness is knowing when you have enough. Be thankful and grateful for what you have."
I have seen what words can do,
As I deal with people everywhere;
The tongue is powerful, it's true!
Something to tame and use with care.
That was such a kind and honest evaluation. I can't take all the credit for this particular poem though. I owe it to my mum - the first person to point out Prov. 15:1 to me in the Bible, and...
Together we wrote our stories.
Together we sang our songs.
But now it's all gone.
For some, childhood may be joyful, filled with pleasant memories. For others, it may be unpleasant. Even among those unpleasant memories, one might find at least a few pleasant memories which...
Do not judge me
From the outside,
Because all you will see
Is my stupid pride.
You are a very talented writer. We can only imagine what amazing company you would be. So intelligent, interesting, and much deeper than most. Amazing work! Keep writing and never forget how...
Famous Poem
Life has loveliness to sell,
All beautiful and splendid things,
Blue waves whitened on a cliff,
Soaring fire that sways and sings,
How wonderful to stop, really see, and appreciate what nature gives us. I too love the crashing waves, the dancing flames and beautiful smells around us, we need to be mindful of every moment...