Famous Sad Poem

In this world, we face troubles of many kinds. Things are not always going to go our way. Some people wallow in that misery, but others have a positive perspective and can push past the trouble they face. What makes the difference? Douglas Malloch (1877-1938) shares the answer in this poem. When we don’t focus on our problems, they get smaller and smaller. We can’t worry about what happened in the past or what could happen in the future. Instead, we need to look at what is positive for us today. Douglas Malloch came from simple roots, and that simplicity is seen in the dialect of this poem.

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Wow, this poem gives a cool perspective on life. This poem makes one realize worrying doesn't help.

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Famous Poem

It's Fine Today

By more Douglas Malloch

Sure, this world is full of trouble
     I ain't said it ain't.
Lord, I've had enough and double
     Reason for complaint;
Rain and storm have come to fret me,
     Skies are often gray;
Thorns and brambles have beset me
     On the road — but say,
     Ain't it fine today?

What's the use of always weepin',
     Making trouble last?
What's the use of always keepin'
     Thinkin' of the past?
Each must have his tribulation —
     Water with his wine;
Life, it ain't no celebration,
     Trouble? — I've had mine —
     But today is fine!

It's today that I am livin',
     Not a month ago.
Havin'; losin'; takin'; givin';
     As time wills it so.
Yesterday a cloud of sorrow
     Fell across the way,
It may rain again tomorrow,
     It may rain — but say,
     Ain't it fine today?


more Douglas Malloch

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  • AVANISH K R by AVANISH K R, Shivamogga
  • 4 years ago

Wow, this poem gives a cool perspective on life. This poem makes one realize worrying doesn't help.

  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 4 years ago

The poem tells the reader that negative thoughts can be overcome by positive thoughts. It is the logic needed by the whole world today.

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