Meaningful Poem

Poem With Useful Advice To Live By

Useful advice about living life. It describes how to make it through the difficult times and make a meaningful life.

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A wonderful poem and every word is true. At the moment, a dreadful trauma my hubby is going through, that goes for me too. He was suddenly struck down with sepsis and was seriously ill. He...

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© more by Dawn Jensen

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

As I walk through life,
I look at all I have done.
I had wandered aimlessly
And wondered what I have become.

I have been through so much.
It is amazing I made it through.
Lessons I have learned.
I am shocked I pulled through.

At times I wondered
What life was all about.
The trials experienced in life
Can make all the good come out.

We try to make it day by day,
Remembering what we were taught.
Just remember some time to pray.
It is important;
We need it every day.

Life can be short,
Unexpected at that.
We try to take its punches,
Just hoping it won't break our back.

Remember who you are,
Who you want to become.
Everything will fall into place
When the time comes.

Don't forget I love you's
Every chance you get.
The time may be short.
There is no time to regret.

Life can be exciting,
As we all have found out,
Eventful, even busy.
There is no time to be left out.

Remember who you are
And who you want to become.
The time can be short.
Don't leave things undone.

Remember your families,
They are the only ones you've got
To carry you in times of need.
They cannot be bought.

Remember they love you,
Either here or there.
They will always be with us,
Help for things to bear.


more by Dawn Jensen

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A wonderful poem and every word is true. At the moment, a dreadful trauma my hubby is going through, that goes for me too. He was suddenly struck down with sepsis and was seriously ill. He spent three months in hospital, and after being back home for seven weeks, my husband still can't stand or walk on his own two feet unaided. We must make the most of our time on earth; it's at times like this we realise life's worth.

  • 8 years ago

Sometimes in life we need words like this to carry us through to the next day: words of wisdom, courage, acceptance, and love. I am glad I read the poem; it just made my day.

  • Mara Dominguez by Mara Dominguez
  • 10 years ago

My current situation has me feeling lost and broken and falling apart. I truly feel it was meant for me to run into this poem out of all days like today. Reading this poem touched my heart like god was sending me a message to hang in there and stay strong. Not to loose faith and everything will be alright. : )

  • Anjan by Anjan, Inida
  • 14 years ago

As I was reading this poem I realized that it exactly matches my present situation, each and every line in the poem seemed to be taken from my life!! interestingly I smiled at this poem at the end which means I smiled a way I live!! everything seemed liked Déjà Vu!!

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