Fear Poem

Living With Secrets

In life we all struggle. To me, the worst struggle of all was my parents' divorce. This poem is to all the people who have hidden secrets and struggled in life.

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Poetry is life, it gives hope to the hopeless and stimulates courage.

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The Secrets We Hide


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

We struggle to have meaning
in this world, which we all know.
We try, but yet we wonder
where we all should go.
Hidden in the questions,
we cannot find
the answers. They're are all hidden
deep inside our minds.
Hidden in our soul
is the life we try to hide,
but in time it will find you,
and it will release
all of its secrets hidden beneath,
so before it ruins the life you have made,
release those dark secrets,
and the memories will fade.
Hidden in our lives are stories left untold
of the things we didn't want them to know,
but once you tell somebody
and make your feelings known,
the struggle will be over
and you'll finally be home.


  • Stories 10
  • Shares 3472
  • Favorited 137
  • Votes 1606
  • Rating 4.31
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cow Boy by Cow Boy
  • 5 years ago

Very nice poem. I can relate a lot to this poem.

  • Evans Musonda by Evans Musonda
  • 8 years ago

Poetry is life, it gives hope to the hopeless and stimulates courage.

  • Tearra B. by Tearra B.
  • 9 years ago

Beautiful poem made me cry. You're very talented. Thanks for sharing your wonderful poem. ;)

  • Leanne Blake by Leanne Blake
  • 10 years ago

I am in 7th grade and my story is that I just like looking at poems that are meaningful because it makes me feel better and it also makes me think about God a lot more often and that's what I really need to start doing with my life because I have done things that I am not proud of doing.

  • Fruita 8/9 Student by Fruita 8/9 Student
  • 11 years ago

I am a Freshmen at the Fruita 8/9. I am writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay on this poem. This has a lot of emotion. This poem really caught my eye and I like it A LOT ! Great job Tiffany.

  • Anna by Anna, Tampa
  • 12 years ago

Hi I have an English Anthology project and I was looking for a poem and this one caught my eye. I must say the author did an amazing job. I hope everyone in class can learn a thing or two in my class from this.

  • Tucson Arizona by Tucson Arizona
  • 12 years ago

Hello my name is Destiny and I am a 7th grader and I am 13 years old and for language arts we had to write a personal poem and then we had to get one that was published by a author and I choose this one cuz it had lot of meaning to it and I really could relate to this poem

  • Khadijah Brown by Khadijah Brown, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

I'm a senior in high school and for anthology project we had to find a poem which related to our theme the we had chosen from a book the we read. I chose this poem because it related perfectly with my theme which was "Releasing secrets will in time set you free from you pain" I really enjoyed reading this poem and I believe other people will also.

  • Stacey Beard by Stacey Beard, Michigan
  • 13 years ago

I am a Senior and for my English class we are finding poems that we like and have to write a personal feeling towards the poem. I think this poem is great for me because I have many struggles in my family and I always avoid talking to people about it because I'm afraid of what they would think. The struggles I go through every day are a big part of my life and by reading this poem, it makes me realize I should let certain people in and not be embarrassed of sharing the truth. If I did that, than maybe I would feel better about everything. I think this poem would be helpful for many people.

  • Letisha by Letisha
  • 14 years ago

I am ninth grader and in my creative writing class, we had to find a poem, come up with three questions about it and have a class discussion. When I went up to have my class discussion at first nobody understood the poem, so the teacher told me to read it again. After I read it the second time people started to get it. they said that the poem meant that we needed to release our secrets and keeping them to ourselves was not good. Many people said that they could relate to this poem and the author did a great job. I really liked this poem and I thought it meant something, so the author did a great job writing this poem.

LeTisha - ohio

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