Meaningful Poem

Not Being Defined By Looks

This is a world where rumors are the things you trust and the cover of your book is what defines you. Obviously they haven't heard the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover." This is a poem describing the journey of a girl who tries to defy all odds and show the world that the outside does not define who she is, for it's only her cover.

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Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Poetrebelunderground © more by Poetrebelunderground

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2016 with permission of the Author.

Do not judge me
From the outside,
Because all you will see
Is my stupid pride.

It's like the saying
Don't judge a book by its cover.
My image may be scary,
But I'm not like any other

Person you've met,
Someone you know.
Just because you've heard it
Doesn't mean you know

Exactly what I'm going through,
How much I've been hurt.
Stop judging my appearance
And treating me like dirt.

Open your eyes
And you may see
That what's on the outside
Is not what I may be.

What I'm not at all.
Please get over this;
Climb this wall.

When you see me walking,
Take a hard look.
Please stop judging me
By the outside of my book.

Maybe instead
Look past my face
And see that the outside
Doesn't mean I'm a disgrace.

And maybe if
You took your time for a start,
You'd see that the outside
Does not reflect my heart.


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You are a very talented writer. We can only imagine what amazing company you would be. So intelligent, interesting, and much deeper than most. Amazing work! Keep writing and never forget how perfectly amazing you are!

This is a great work of art. You're very talented and that was very brave. Clearly, you're a beautiful person!!

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