Meaningful Poem

Reflective Poem About The Perception Of Time

I wrote this poem while I was wasting time when I could have been doing something productive, so it is kind of a motivational poem to me. It also explains how time is infinite and the only thing that is consistent in life. No matter what someone is going through in life, time will keep on moving.

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Sisters made a great impact on my life. In 1949, at age six, I was brought to St Clara's Orphanage because neighbors found me alone in an empty house. It just so happened that I was born with...

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A Poem About Time

© more by Anxhelo Llangozi

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

Time is slow, time is fast.
It never stops, but it always lasts.
It's time for bed, it's time for school.
To waste your time is to be a fool.

If the time is right, the timing will be perfect.
Having the time of your life will always be worth it.
Some spend their time mad,
Some spend their time sad.
For some people time is all they ever had.

Some spend their time and some people save it.
Some love wasting time and some people hate it.
People waste time being in jail
People waste time being mad when they fail.

Some people have lots of time to spare.
Others spend their time not having a care.
It's time to stop, it's time to go.
Time can move fast or it can move slow.

You can lose yourself or lose your mind,
But as life goes on you will never lose time.


more by Anxhelo Llangozi

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ted Trujillo by Ted Trujillo
  • 8 years ago

Sisters made a great impact on my life. In 1949, at age six, I was brought to St Clara's Orphanage because neighbors found me alone in an empty house. It just so happened that I was born with two genetic defects, both eye sight and hearing, which were half developed. Sister Glory was my first grade teacher. I was given both a hearing aid and magnified reading glasses. My education started with speech lessons, learning how to talk, and then later, reading writing and aromatic. By the third grade, I was on my own earning straight As on my report card. I received the best education I could have ever hoped for. At age 79, I hope and pray that all little boys and girls will find someone who will take care of them.

  • C. V. Reed by C. V. Reed
  • 8 years ago

My spouse has said to me for several years (after I race around looking for bargains), "Time is what counts, you cannot replace it once it is gone." Now, at age 70, it has finally sunk in; use it wisely, for once it passes, it is gone forever!

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