1. Dad, What's It Like In Heaven?
If time exists in heaven,
Do you still rise with the sun?
Do you and Mom share breakfast
Before your day has begun?
Father's Day is not as respected and popularly observed as Mother's Day. There is a simple reason for this. Although almost everyone has difficult issues with their mothers, there is no doubt as to their mother's love. The same is not true for fathers. Because men have a more difficult time expressing their feelings to their children, many children go through life with the mistaken notion that their fathers don't love them. This is a tragedy because fathers generally love their children dearly and often work long hours so that they can raise their children in comfort.
If time exists in heaven,
Do you still rise with the sun?
Do you and Mom share breakfast
Before your day has begun?
This is a wonderful sentimental poem. It depicts a loving relationship between father and child. My father came into my life as an adult and unfortunately we did not get to make many...
If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I'd write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.
Hi. I just lost my Daddy September 28, 2023. I am a 60 year old woman who lives in my hometown. So when my brothers and son told my my daddy was ill, I immediately called his doctor and got...
I love you and I miss you, Dad,
and though you've passed away,
you'll never be forgotten,
for I think of you each day.
My lovely dad passed away July 1, 1995. He had a heart of gold and would help anybody. He taught me everything I needed to know, and that's made me who I am today. I have a lot of happy...
Grand oak
A majestic figure
Always standing straight
He never looks for praises.
He's never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
I was born blind. I, like my father, had congenital (at birth) bilateral (both sides) cataracts. My vision was far worse than dad's though. My dad was always there (along with my mom) to...
He wasn't a hero
Known by the world,
But a hero he was
To his little girl.
Awesome appreciation and wonderful thanksgiving to a father. No love and care can be compared with that of a father. My dad, too, is my friend and guide who always remains beside me and helps...
When I lost my dad to suicide, I read this poem to my family. I then decided that I wanted to share this with our close family at his service. Any day when I really miss him and when it's...
For my father, my friend,
This to me you have always been.
Through the good times and the bad,
Your understanding I have had.
I love this poem. My papa is the masterpiece of God as my father. I have seen him in pain when I was suffering, and he had suffered much more than me to get me out. In those horrible days,...
Thanks be unto God the Father
for His great work in creating man.
God decided to reproduce Himself,
So He formed man with His hand.
Every morning I wake up and see
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
Married thirty seven years, and it still feels like yesterday. Communication is the road to success. Best wishes to all. Belfast xxx
I sit and look back to how far I can remember,
And you are always there next to me.
Each and every day you were helping me grow up,
And making me be the best that I can be.
I really loved this poem. It's very touching and helpful because my dad's not here, but he is always in my heart. It helps me when he's gone.
Three months have passed.
I'll never forget the day
Someone rang to tell me
That you'd gone away.
About two months ago I lost my father. I cannot say that it was unexpected, yet now I realize that there is nothing in life that can prepare us to bear this void. He remained in the intensive...
The depth of a father's love shows in his daughter's eyes.
What's known is what's shown from sunset to sunrise.
A foundation built on more than just what is spoken.
It's commitments kept and promises that go unbroken.
me and my dad are going through some tough times right now. He is not someone who easily forgives even if it's something small. I'm a teenager and it's just me and him. I tell him everyday...
I have my own castle,
full of love and laughter!
The builder of my castle is a strong MAN
Who loves me first and himself after.
He is not the kind of hero who is fighting in the war.
He is not one who sails offshore.
I don't call him Sergeant, Captain, or Sir.
Me too, but my dad is always at the coast for his work. I miss him so much, and now he is never here for Father's Day. I wish he could stay at home with my family.
When I scratched my knee,
Or if I bumped my head,
When I was afraid of the dark,
Or that thing under my bed,
Dear Dad, I want you to know I love you so much. What an amazing poem. I love everything you do for all of us. Love, Bella
When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I don't know how it feels, but I sure understand what this poem is all about. How I wish my dad was caring. To me, he only carries the title and doesn't act the meaning.
I'm just sitting here thinking about what you mean to me,
Remembering all the things you've done for me.
You've been there for me from the start,
Knowing what to say to keep me from falling apart,
You've been in our lives for so many seasons.
I'm pouring my heart out for that very reason.
I've given you life, my husband and friend.
Our love affair shall never end,
I gave this poem to my dad on fathers day and he had tears in eyes because that is how sweet this poem is
I know that I'm not perfect, and I'm sure you know that too,
But it means the world to know that I can always talk to you.
I am sure you didn't expect all this when you took me in to stay.
But you still loved me enough that you did it anyway.