Father Poem

Special Love Between Father And Daughter

A genuinely beautiful relationship between father and daughter is too rare not to print this one. Poem about a Daddy's Girl.

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me and my dad are going through some tough times right now. He is not someone who easily forgives even if it's something small. I'm a teenager and it's just me and him. I tell him everyday...

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In Her Eyes


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2006 with permission of the Author.

The depth of a father's love shows in his daughter's eyes.
What's known is what's shown from sunset to sunrise.
A foundation built on more than just what is spoken.
It's commitments kept and promises that go unbroken.
An emotion so immense that nothing in this world can erase.
The permanent impression of love is tattooed upon her face.
A relation so peculiar that only the two can understand,
Yet so immaculate it's obvious that, by God, it was planned.

I believe it all began when she would sleep upon your chest.
Now you're her number one, her favorite, you're the best!
You move and she watches so closely it's as if she's in a trance.
The fact that she can repeat you, exactly, isn't just by chance.
From wrestling, racing, jump roping to being made up like a doll.
Both playmate and best friend, you've done some of it all.
A secret place, a look, special time just for her and you.
When a choice is to be made, it's all about what Daddy wants to do.
And you're there to cater to her every need and every wish.
There's an invisible pedestal for Daddy's little princess.
She's content just to be.  She's filled with absolute bliss
Just to sit up under you, giving an occasional hug and kiss.
Sweet dreams are non-existent without Daddy's goodnight kiss.
Your gentle stroke, words just for her, your check on hers is what she'd miss.
It's simply because of how you love her, I surmise.
The depth of your love always shows in her eyes.

With you, her laughter is harder and her smile is even brighter.
You have a friendship, a bond, a soul tie that couldn't be any tighter.
It's more than a special bond; it's an exclusive connection.
No room for a third party or attempted interjection.
This love is reserved just for Dad and no other.
It's not the same for siblings, not even for Mother.
It's the kind of love that I could never despise.
For the depth of your love always shows in her eyes.

To her, you'd give anything, but it's not about the gift.
It's that marvelous smile brought on by the spirit you lift.
It's not about what you can give her or about what you can do.
It's about the unconditional love reciprocated between you two.
It's the tears in her eyes when you two disagree.
Nothing's quite right until 'I love you and I'm sorry.'
It's that spunk in her step, the rainbow in her eye-
You'll know she's a Daddy's girl when she passes by.
She's got the kind of love that never fades or dies.
The depth of your love always shows in her eyes.

Upon angel wings you soar; your sparkling golden halo glows
Whenever she's with you, it's Heaven in her eyes that shows.
Her eyes hold a song so beautiful you'd think it was Heaven's melody.
It's the music of love's symphony composed by each precious memory.
The love known is the love you've shown from sunset to sunrise.
The depth of your love will forever show in your daughter's eyes.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jo A. Sparkes by Jo A. Sparkes
  • 8 years ago

The poem is heartfelt and genuine and the love between these two is a true measure of the special bond that exists for those fortunate enough to have it, in the first place!
Very nice and highly interesting, and worth reading as something freely given between two members of this family.

  • Gabby by Gabby, Georgia
  • 9 years ago

I have cried a million times. After I read this I had to tell my dad I was sorry for pushing him away. I decided to do this for my school's poem recitation program. My dad does not know. He is going to be there, I'm seriously exited to do this!

  • Yasmine W by Yasmine W, Jakarta
  • 10 years ago

How I love this poem so much. It expresses my feelings to my dad. I never realized how big a sacrifice he made for me for every single day I've lived. Thank you dad, one day I'll repay all of your kindness and your good will be remembered by me.

  • Nicola Roache by Nicola Roache, Dundee
  • 11 years ago

My Dad got Custody of me and my after my Mother abandoned me leaving me sitting on the stairs at the age of 7 years old!! Since June 1986 my dad was granted Full Custody of me. I'm 34 now. I admire my dad for this so much I really don't know what I'd do without him?!. He was my Hero that day he come to find me on the stairs and is still here for me to this very day!.. I love you Pops!... Your wee Lassie.. Nice. xxx xxx

  • Nyamekye by Nyamekye, Ghana
  • 12 years ago

tears glistened my eyes when I read this
my dad will do same when I send him this
thanks for 'pen-ning' down just what was on my heart

  • Brooke by Brooke, West Virginia
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem me and my dad used to have a special bond but now mom and dad are divorced I'm not allowed to see my mom but I still see my dad. well he married my stepmom but has 6 kids (including me) I really don't like her. He wants to leave her but cant pay $1000 a month. She changed his personality so it ruined half of our relationship. so this poem really touched me I love him I posted a poem on Facebook and he is moving into our neighborhood. I love this poem I used to be daddy's little girl and I'm 12. Thank you for who wrote this poem!

  • Anil by Anil, Virginia
  • 12 years ago

Paige from Brisbane-
This link might provide more insight into the author's inspiration for writing this.
Good luck!

  • Anil by Anil, Virginia
  • 12 years ago

My wife and I are going through a separation.

I have left our marital home and my children as part of the separation. The pain of leaving my children, is some days more than I can bear.

My children and I have a wonderful bond but this poem, in particular, speaks to directly to the nature of my relationship with my oldest daughter. I sent this poem to her with the simple message, "This made me think of you and I"

Absolutely beautiful...

  • Paige by Paige, Brisbane
  • 12 years ago

Michelle I was wondering why you wrote this poem because its for my English assignment to find a poet and why they wrote this poem.

  • Alicia by Alicia, Florida
  • 13 years ago

This poem is very touching and beautiful. My dad abused me my whole childhood and my mom kicked him out a few years ago. I'm 18 now, and I've always been subconsciously searching for father figures. This kind of love that is portrayed in this poem is something I can only dream of having.
If you have a father that is there for you, go and tell him that you love him. I wish I had a father to tell I love. This is almost painful.

  • Edward by Edward, Ft.worth.tx
  • 9 years ago

I love my kids so much. I have a son 31 and daughter 29. When they were babies I went away to prison for 20+ years. Now they are grown and it hurts me because they hate me because I was never there. It's not that I didn't want to but I was locked up. I love my kids with all my heart. But how do I make them know I want to be part of their lives and my grand kid's?

  • Rosina Lock by Rosina Lock, East End
  • 14 years ago

I am a writer, of just about everything, including poems, the poem I just read was written from the heart! I thought it was beautiful. Sadly, the man I thought was my father, when I was 13 years old, humiliated me and degraded me, and I found out in a law of court he was not my father, so I don't know what a fathers love is, neither do I know the love from my mother! But I have come out on top, because it has made me such a lovely person, with a very caring and loving personality, I would just have liked my mum or a dad to say I love you, just once in my life! I thought this poem was lovely, and if I had written one to my mum or dad, it would have been one like this.

  • John by John, Gainesville FL
  • 14 years ago

I married my high school sweetheart and the only child we had was a girl. I was amazed at the love and commitment my wife gave her; hand made costumes for every event, getting involved in every phase of her activities, yet she always said, "she's her daddy's girl".

At age 16, her mom died of cancer, and somehow, we moved on. She is now 29 and lives 500 miles away. We communicate almost daily by phone or text. She will always be my best friend.

Seven years ago, I remarried and my new wife gave birth to my second beautiful daughter! She is truly another gift from God! At six years old, her mom, and every friend or stranger will tell you, "she is daddy's girl!"

I shed tears of joy as I read this poem and the responses. The few words I've written contain volumes of rich experience that death could erase or overshadow. I thank the author for describing it so well.

  • Jodie by Jodie, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

This reminds me of the bond I had with my dad. It's been 17 years since I lost him but I think of him daily and I will always love him.

  • Charnese Abbs by Charnese Abbs
  • 14 years ago

Me and my dad have been through some stuff he just recently got married to what he calls the love of his life. Even though I can't stand her I respect her out of the love I have for as my father. Him and I are thick as thieves I will never bring him despair. I love him so much he is the apple of eye. I love you so much daddy!!!!!

  • Chelsea Hanna by Chelsea Hanna, Canmore
  • 14 years ago

I lost my Opa at least 2-3 years ago and it's hard to remember that it's been so long. When my mom was reading from a book my thoughts drifted to the day I was there and my dog. Then when I read this poem and I read it to my mom. She smiled as she read it and I too smiled. I know I'm only 13 but I can see the happiness in her eyes when I read this. Thank you for writing it!!

  • Janine by Janine, England
  • 14 years ago

Me and my dad have always had a special bond, when my mum cheated on my dad we just grew even stronger he is my best friend, I'd be lost without him. I've always been a daddy's girl even now at 23, this poem is so touching and explains the bond between a daddy and his baby girl! Whoever wrote this, it's amazing. Thank you

  • Samantha by Samantha, Brampton
  • 15 years ago

A year ago I had twin girls and one of them died a few days after birth. Keira and my husband have this special bond between them that I don't understand.. I think it is because Isabella died and my husband sees her in Keira like I do. The way my husband and daughter are together is exactly like this poem. I had to read it three times because I couldn't see through my tears it touched me so deeply. I printed it off and showed my husband and he cried as well. When he finished reading it he looked at me and mouthed the name 'Isabella'. Thank you so much for writing this. My husband and I plan on reading this together every year on Isabella's and Keira's birthday.
Thank you.

  • beckz by beckz
  • 15 years ago

Me, my two sisters, brother and my dad are going through tough times!! he knows we all love him but he doesn't understand how much we do! when he reads this poems I hope it will make him realize how truthfully we all love him!! the person who wrote this is a very inspirational person! thanks! X

  • tamie by tamie
  • 15 years ago

this poem really touched my heart because it describes the bond that my fiancé and his daughter share , and sadly her mother denies him of her, not realizing that its only hurting her little girl, to keep her away from her best friend, her daddy. this poem is beautiful!!

  • saryna by saryna
  • 15 years ago

me and my dad are going through some tough times right now. He is not someone who easily forgives even if it's something small. I'm a teenager and it's just me and him. I tell him everyday that I love him, and that he is the best dad. This poem made me cry because I really love my dad and he just thinks that I'm an ungrateful little brat, but this poem is so true. I really wish I could make him understand this poem and how a much a father really means to a daughter. The person who wrote this poem really captured the feeling of a father's love. this poem shows how good it is, I could never imagine not having my dad. He is such a great father and I wish he could understand that even though were having some tough times being around each other I truly do really love him so very much.

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