Father Poem

Memories of her dad holding her in his arms are a continuous reminder of the love between them.

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I don't know how it feels, but I sure understand what this poem is all about. How I wish my dad was caring. To me, he only carries the title and doesn't act the meaning.

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Special Hero


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
How did I get so lucky?
You were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a father's love.
Seems it was sent to me
from someplace up above.
Our love is everlasting.
I just wanted you to know
that you're my special hero,
and I wanted to tell you so.


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  • Rating 4.40
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Fassnya T. Oluwafunke by Fassnya T. Oluwafunke
  • 7 years ago

I don't know how it feels, but I sure understand what this poem is all about. How I wish my dad was caring. To me, he only carries the title and doesn't act the meaning.

  • Lawrence by Lawrence, London . Great Britain .
  • 9 years ago

My Father was my hero in the truest sense. He fought Multiple Sclerosis for many years and this wretched illness took him away from me last year. Now I am devastated without his warmth, wit, love and kindness to guide me. He was a truly GOOD Man. God Bless his Soul.

  • Sukhvir by Sukhvir
  • 12 years ago

I love my dad a lot. He means everything to me. he is my hero. He is very special to me. Without him I don't know who I am.

  • Vanessa Hood by Vanessa Hood
  • 12 years ago

I lost my dad at 14 years old, and it is still hard living here without him, after he passed away I was sent into a group home because I had no one who wanted to take care of me.. I know how people feel when they lose someone they love very much, I am now sixteen years old , I still miss me but I'm moving on with my life, instead of me being in a group home I am going to move with my aunt in Alberta. There is something special about a fathers love for sure, because you know he is your protector of all things, he is always there for you when you look back on him, a fathers love is more special than a mothers love I think, because mother and fathers love are two different things.

  • Mercy by Mercy
  • 8 years ago

Hi, dear. Please do not worry nor feel discouraged because God cares for you. Just work hard and put God first.

  • Millie by Millie, Northern Ireland
  • 12 years ago

My daddy died last week, but I will never forget him and love him till I die. I know when people die everyone says we will never see them again, but I disagree I believe and my daddy always told me that when he dies I will always be with him he will be looking over me ready to beat up any boys who pick on me. My dad is an angel and I love him and miss him no much! <3

  • Kristie by Kristie, Hempstead
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my Dad, he was my solid foundation for what a dad should be. I wake everyday wondering if I would ever be able to overcome the pain and grief, but everytime I think about his encouraging words it helps me to make it through the day. Dad, I know that you hear me, just want you to know that I'm being a "BIG GIRL".

  • Suzie by Suzie
  • 13 years ago

If there is in heaven a special place for Heroes, I'm going to look there for my Dad. I Miss him terribly, but God wanted him more. He is in Heaven there waiting for me. I hold close to my heart all the wonderful times we had together, the long chats, the silly jokes, I happily reminisce the times he would want only me to tuck him in bed. My Dad was always proud of me, it was tacit, he didn't have to say it, My father will never really be gone from me, for it is said - all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. He has left me a LOVE filled legacy.

  • Becca by Becca, Indianapolis
  • 13 years ago

Ever since I was born my dad was in the military, I couldn't see him very often but our bond has only gotten stronger. My parents are divorced and I can see my dad whenever he is home. It sucks not being able to see him everyday like my friends.

  • Saph by Saph
  • 13 years ago

I lost my daddy when I was 16 it's been two years since my daddy's been in heaven, and his birthday is coming up and I just can't believe I'm going to have to go through his birthday without him again:'( He left 3 kids behind. I was a total daddy's girl, It's hard for me, but it's also going to be hard for my little brother when he gets older he's only 4 right now. He's in pre k 4 and when he has to take a picture of our daddy he tells me "why did daddy have to die Saphie?" and I say "Daddy used to always say that he would go when god said it was his time no matter the hour or day." When my daddy first died my brother was 2, and he would lay down in the crib and he'll be carrying a long conversation, and I would go in there and say who you talking to? He would say it's Daddy, Saphie. But my brother said "Daddy's in heaven right, Saphie?" and I would say yes, and he goes no daddy's going to call on the phone and come home:'( ILY & IMY Daddy<3

  • Christina M. Kerschen by Christina M. Kerschen Poet
  • 14 years ago

I wrote this poem when I was 14. I can't say I've lost a dad but I know what it's like to grow up without a dad. I wrote this when he went to jail for a long time. You miss him more then you could imagine. I'm sorry for anyone who has lost their dad. If you ever need anything please feel free to email me at christinakerschen at hotmail.com I talk to everyone.

  • Jennifer Spillers by Jennifer Spillers
  • 14 years ago

I love my dad even though me and him don't always get along. If anything every happened to him I would be lost I would not know what to do. My dad is my hero he has always been there and supported me with just about everything I have done. My dad is my best friend in the world besides my mom. Well that's my story

  • Brianna by Brianna
  • 14 years ago

My dad didn't die, he's still here the thing is he's in jail for something that wasn't all his fault, but I sit here and read these poems and it breaks my heart to no that some one as great as a dad to be gone I don't really see my dad but I talk to him maybe a couple of days and every time I hear his voice I try not to cry because my dad is gone he's been there for a long time and he still has a long time to go. So if you could just pray to keep him safe and out of harm that would be awesome. I still remember the day he left he said he loved us and will be home soon, but that day I knew he was gone for good. The night before he left he, me and my sister all lay in bed and talked all night. Wishing and praying for his life. We talked about the good times and the bad and I told him that the worst of all was the day he left. I miss you and love you daddy forever,
Your little girl Brianna S. to Edward S. my dad

  • T by T, Tennessee
  • 14 years ago

My Dad was handsome and very smart. He was witty and serious, he was refined. He would hold me in grocery stores when we would get near the cooler sections. He carried my sister and I together when a tornado came. His face will never leave me. I would like to see his face. I would like to go to the car wash again. I would like us all to be together again and dance like we danced all around the house. We use to dance with Grandparents, Aunt, cousins living room down the hall through the kitchen into the dining room back to the living room and again. I need to do that again. He read, he knew so much, he could do so much. He got sick. And I need to see him smile and I need us to all dance again.

  • Sanjay Mishra by Sanjay Mishra, Raipur
  • 14 years ago

I loved my Dad. My was my hero. He was a big game hunter. He was a good mechanic and a gunsmith too. But he had a bad temper too which I dreaded the most. He had wonderful handwriting. He could drive a vehicle very well. Above everything else, my Dad could command respect. This is something which I haven't been able to achieve.

  • Jamie by Jamie
  • 14 years ago

I love my dad. everything is safe with him. He is nice, he understands me, he is my hero and my angel. Never forget your dad.

  • Rio by Rio, Indonesia
  • 15 years ago

My dad just died on February 22, 2010. He was my place for sharing about my life, work and so many things. I live in Indonesia but my dad lived in USA. I didn't see him when he died. I really miss his loving hug and I will keep my promise to him, I'll make him proud.

  • ashley by ashley
  • 15 years ago

My dad died when I was 10 he was my best friend it was hard growing up without him. He meant everything to me and I was holding his head when he died. I had to be strong I was my daddy's baby and even with him in heaven I am still his little girl. I miss you daddy.

  • alli by alli
  • 16 years ago

My dad left me at age two, even though I still saw him every now and then I never really had him. Now that I'm 13 he's in jail. I have two younger brothers and it's really hard for them. I can see it in their eyes deep down inside they want to cry. This poem makes me think of all the times I did have with him. I pray that he gets out soon and that I don't have to see my little brothers hurt anymore. It hurts every day. I'll pray for those who lost a loved one or their dad too.

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