Father Poem

Father and daughter are separated but in her heart she harbors dreams of a reunion someday.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story really touched my heart today. I am separated from my daughter now and I am sad everyday. She is 17 and I send her cards and letters. But I wish I could...

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To Be Daddy's Girl Again Someday


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

Feeling lost without him
Feeling empty too
I used to be my daddy's girl
This I know was true.
Now that we have split apart
Gone our separate ways
I pray to God each night
To bring us back together someday.
Yet I fear this is impossible
Not right now anyway.
I still hold out hope
To be my daddy's girl again someday.
Yet still all I can say is,
I'm feeling lost without him
Feeling empty too.
Dear God, I'm still praying
Please oh please to help me get through.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sabrina Ball by Sabrina Ball
  • 9 years ago

I lost my dad on October 28 2013 and I'm only 13. He died the night we all carved pumpkins and we had a blast but that night he didn't feel good so he went to the hospital and he died there. It's been a year and 7 months since he's been gone and I really miss him.

  • Arthur by Arthur
  • 7 years ago

Always remember you have another father in Jesus Christ.

  • Bill Reynolds by Bill Reynolds
  • 8 years ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story really touched my heart today. I am separated from my daughter now and I am sad everyday. She is 17 and I send her cards and letters. But I wish I could see her. Maybe someday.

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, Louisiana
  • 10 years ago

I lost my dad on July 31st 2014! I was most definitely a daddy's girl! I've taken care of him since I was 16 and I and now 26! I never seen this coming, he said he would live to be 106! There is a piece of my heart missing now and it hurts everyday. I can't sleep and I'm constantly gaining weight. I can't wait till that day I see his face again!

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