1. Beautiful Hands
Famous Poem
Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
They're neither white nor small;
And you, I know, would scarcely think
That they are fair at all.
The bond that a child develops with his mother can never be severed. You grew as an organism inside her for nine months. She carried you and sustained you, sharing her sustenance with you through your umbilical cord. When you are born the cord is severed. It is never severed in her heart. That bond lasts forever. As we grow up we become our own people and may come to forget that woman who nurtured and loved us. But remember this, she will never forget you and never stop loving you.
Famous Poem
Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
They're neither white nor small;
And you, I know, would scarcely think
That they are fair at all.
Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.
This poem greatly touched my heart. Because of this, I was encouraged to use my hands to do good and beneficial things instead of bad and to-the-hell things. So thank you for the author of...
I'm writing this poem for you, Mom,
because I want this poem to be
my own special way of showing you
how much you mean to me.
This poem paints an exact picture of my relationship with my mother. I left home when I was about 16 years old and never went back. I was even homeless at one point after leaving home. My mom...
Baby dolls and dinosaurs-
one that cries, one that roars
The pitter patter of little feet-
a bike race in which they want you to compete
This is lovely and how true! There is no bond like the bond between mother and child. It's unbreakable! This is well-said.
I would do just about anything you'd ask,
For you, there's nothing I wouldn't do; there's no such task.
I would walk without my shoes to the end of the Earth.
As a mom we work our bottoms off to be able to provide all that you need in life. As a daughter I know how we can"hate" our moms from time to time. But I promise you we as mother's love our...
You are the sunlight in my day.
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon.
I am the author of this piece. I wrote it for my mother so many years ago for school. I had no idea it was published here or that it had had such a powerful effect. I'm honored. It's been a...
The hand that rocks the cradle
also makes the house a home.
It is the prayers of the mother
that keeps the family strong.
This is beautifully expressed. The introductory lines carry so much truth to keep one pressing on to the end. I love this.
A mother's love is a wonderful love packaged from heaven with special care.
A mother's love is like no other love that you can compare.
A mother's love is purified by angels and flows directly from her soul.
A mother's love is justified by God, and by his hands he created the mold.
During high school when I was grade 10, we had a new physical science teacher. She was so kind and assisting. She developed a strong mother love for me and liked me so much that she started...
When I think about my mum,
I just can't help but smile;
The beauty of her loving heart,
The easy grace in her style.
The poem projects the image of a truly loving mother. Irrespective of caste and creed mothers are always ready to make sacrifices for their children. It is a universally accepted truth. I...
That Phenomenal Lady...
That fantastically raised me
Lived life to the fullest,
Extended love to the cruelest;
My mother is my lifeline; she is my complete savior.
She does everything she can for me, and for that I praise her.
She went without when I was younger so I could have nice stuff.
She worked herself to the bone but never did she give up.
This poem is a special gift, precious and perfect to praise my mother. I highly appreciate it.
I've tried to write so many times,
But it's been hard to say in rhymes.
I'll try once more and hope you'll see
Just what your love has meant to me.
A truly wonderful tribute poem to your Mom, Brian, one of the best I've ever read. There's nothing so good as a mother's touch, their patience, understanding, their heart and their love.
You tell me that you love me when I don't love myself.
You're the one who holds my hand when I need the most help.
You smile when you're sad to make me smile too.
You make my life so much better by everything you do.
Well done, Miller. The strongest aspect of your poem is sentiment. You have expressed it so openly that you are like picking up rocks from the beach. None will be the same size, nor the same...
Mom, on your birthday, I celebrate you
And all the wonderful things that you do.
But if truth be told, and that must always be,
This is the best poem I've ever read for a mom on her birthday. I always look for poems to write in my moms card on her special day and this one is the very best I've read. Keep up all your...
There's no one in this world
Who knows me quite like you.
If ever I'm in need,
You're the first one I turn to.
She's a gift to her children
Our strong devotion each day
A hand in our hand
A breath of fresh air along the way
This is heart-warming and beautifully explained. Love you, Mom. You always help me with everything, and you guide me on the right path.
My dear mother unlike any other,
You taught me how to walk,
And you taught me how to talk.
My mother is my bus driver. She has always been there for me & when she can't be there for me, I always have my other relatives. I love her & my relatives with all my heart!
You brought me my first toy,
My first bike and baseball glove.
You filled my heart with joy,
And you filled my life with love.
I really love this poem and it is true - mother is the best of all!
I know of a woman whose strength is of a bear.
And even when she's not that happy, she always takes time out to care.
I know of a woman whose beauty is that of a queen.
But she continues to teach us that beauty doesn't mean a thing.
As a child, I didn't grow up with the very mother that gave birth to me, but that doesn't deprive me from receiving the motherly care and love that I deserve because the couple that took me...
Your birthday is the day I remember
all the wonderful things you do.
Time will fly; each day goes by,
and I've forgotten to say, "Thank you."