Mother Poem

Wishing Mom A Very Happy Birthday

For my mother's upcoming birthday, she requested not a poem entirely about her but a poem about her children. I decided to not only describe myself but also how my mother had an effect on my life.

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This is the best poem I've ever read for a mom on her birthday. I always look for poems to write in my moms card on her special day and this one is the very best I've read. Keep up all your...

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Because Of You I Am Me

© more by Susan M. Gilbert

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2020 with permission of the Author.

Mom, on your birthday, I celebrate you
And all the wonderful things that you do.

But if truth be told, and that must always be,
I'm going to talk about Marvelous Me!

Because Marvelous Me did not just come about,
For you were my making; in that is no doubt.

Your STRENGH gave me power to reach for new heights.
Your WORDS gave me knowledge to learn wrong from right.

Your PATIENCE gave me calm to face a new day.
Your ADVICE would show me there is always a way.

Your CAPABILITY showed me to strive for my best.
Your SELFLESSNESS was given with all of your zest.

You MOLDED and LED me with SUPPORT through it all,
Even LIFTED me up when I'd happen to fall.

So lo and behold, here I am today
Because of your love and guiding way.

Marvelous Me will continue to grow,
Only because of you, this I know.

So I celebrate you now, in this special way,
To wish you a very Happy Birthday.

For I wouldn't be me if it weren't you from the start.
I love you, Mom, from the depths of my heart.


more by Susan M. Gilbert

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Auntbebe by Auntbebe
  • 1 year ago

This is the best poem I've ever read for a mom on her birthday. I always look for poems to write in my moms card on her special day and this one is the very best I've read. Keep up all your amazing and creative work!! You're a great poet.

  • Eleanor Kalman by Eleanor Kalman
  • 4 years ago

I am the very proud mother of the author of that poem. When she wrote the poem, I was truly overwhelmed at its depth and love. My daughter inherited her talent, which was evidenced from my mother, her grandmother, who at every family event would read a poem she wrote for the occasion. I tried to carry on the tradition, and it pleases me very much that my daughter is continuing it.

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