Mother Poem

Letter To Mom Saying I'm Sorry Poem

A son writes a poem to his mother expressing thanks for the goodness that she has bestowed upon him.

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This poem paints an exact picture of my relationship with my mother. I left home when I was about 16 years old and never went back. I was even homeless at one point after leaving home. My mom...

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Especially For You, Mom


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

I'm writing this poem for you, Mom,
because I want this poem to be
my own special way of showing you
how much you mean to me.
I have so much to say,
and I don't think this poem will do,
but each word in between these lines
comes straight from my heart for you.
I know I haven't been a perfect son,
but you've taken things in stride,
and no matter how many problems I've had,
you've always been by my side.
I could talk to you about whatever I felt,
because I knew that you'd understand,
all that you asked from me in return
was to stand up and be a man.
If I asked you for some advice
you never have told me no,
and if I made a dumb mistake,
you've never said I told you so!
You've always treated me real special
and sometimes I don't understand why.
But when I think about how I've hurt you,
it makes me want to cry.
This is an apology for the mistakes I've made
and the conflicts that we've had,
for all the times I've hurt you
and for all the times I've made you mad.
I wrote this especially for you mom,
this is my cry out to you.
To let you know how sorry I am
and how much I really love you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Al Berrian by Al Berrian
  • 6 years ago

This poem paints an exact picture of my relationship with my mother. I left home when I was about 16 years old and never went back. I was even homeless at one point after leaving home. My mom never turned her back on me, and no matter what "other" dumb mistakes I made growing up, my mom had my back and supported every decision I ever made. Now I'm 38 years old, living in Japan as a contractor, and enjoying my life, all because my mother never gave up on me and forced me to never settle for something just mediocre. "Good" Moms should be praised like this on a daily basis!

  • Antonio Reyna by Antonio Reyna
  • 6 years ago

This reminds me of the good and the bad I put my mom through, and she showed much love and respect and always kept her heart open, even while I was at my worst. Keep up the good work to the person who wrote it from their heart.

  • Savannah by Savannah, Chillicothe OH
  • 14 years ago

My mom and I argue all the time. Maybe just because I'm still a teen and all. When I look back at it though, I feel so terrible for the things that I've done. This poem was beautiful and I wish I would have wrote it myself. You poem came out to me and hopefully many others that's done their mom wrong.

  • Kim Pilgram by Kim Pilgram
  • 6 years ago

This was written 7 years ago, and I'd love to hear how your relationship is with your mom today, now that you're no longer a teen.

  • Gail Glover by Gail Glover
  • 15 years ago

This poem shows the true love for a mother from a troubled son. It takes a true hearted person to put his thoughts into writing. May this man be blessed.

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