Mother Poem

Poem About A Mother's Dedication To Her Child

What indeed would a mother not do for her child?

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As a mom we work our bottoms off to be able to provide all that you need in life. As a daughter I know how we can"hate" our moms from time to time. But I promise you we as mother's love our...

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What I Would Do For You

© more by Jayne Sena

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2006 with permission of the Author.

I would do just about anything you'd ask,
For you, there's nothing I wouldn't do; there's no such task.

I would walk without my shoes to the end of the Earth.
I would give up anything I had to, to teach you self-worth.

I would hold your hand every minute of every day,
But I won't because I know you need to find your own way.

I would surely bear the heartache of your first love that's real,
Even though I can't, I will naturally feel as you feel.

I would sell my soul if it would keep you happy forever,
I would give my right arm to keep us forever together.

I would run a hundred miles up-hill in the rain,
Just to guarantee that you will never feel pain.

I would laugh with you even if I were sad.
I will give you a smile even if I'm mad.

I can only accept your mistakes with a grin on my face.
I will guide you in correcting them but at your own pace.

I will guide you through life, as this world can get quite wild.
Just don't you ever forget that you will always be my child.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Denise Tejada by Denise Tejada, Manila Philippines
  • 10 years ago

I'm so touched about this poem. I know this poem is created by a mother but I still can relate even though I'm not a mother because actually I'm only 12 years old. Sometimes I slighty hate my mom because she gets home very late and I need the comfort of a mother. I was doing my homework and I saw this poem and it touched my heart. Now I know every mom deserves to be loved by her children or child.

  • Barbara Roman by Barbara Roman
  • 8 years ago

As a mom we work our bottoms off to be able to provide all that you need in life. As a daughter I know how we can"hate" our moms from time to time. But I promise you we as mother's love our children with all of our being. I lost my mom when I was 21 and it was horrible, I'd give anything to have her back. I'm now 33, a single mother of 2 children and I know the struggles of raising children. Enjoy your mom, love her, kiss her always let her know you love her.

  • Rammohan Potturi by Rammohan Potturi, Hyderabad
  • 11 years ago

I also have cute little daughter who is growing up and very soon will be a gentle lady. I helped her in her first step, I helped her in her first speech, today she is running faster than me, thinking wiser than me, speaking better than me, still, My feeling about her is always that she is a 'kid' to me and she needs my hand in every step she puts forth, but that's just my 'feel' she has the ability to move forward without me and my support hereafter. But still she is my 'KID" for ever my 'KID" !!!!!

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