Mother Poem

Poem About A Great Mother

To the great mother I have who makes me very glad. There are so many great things about you and the way you helped me over the years, from the time I was born until now. You bring me great cheer, and I'm so glad you're here.

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My mother is my bus driver. She has always been there for me & when she can't be there for me, I always have my other relatives. I love her & my relatives with all my heart!

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Mother Unlike Any Other


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

My dear mother unlike any other,

You taught me how to walk,
And you taught me how to talk.
You provided a roof over my head,
And always made sure I was fed.

You taught me morals and standards,
The meanings of living and all about giving.
What a wonderful, beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent mother I have,
And you make me truly glad.

You always go out of your way for everyone each day.
You always listen to what I say even if I'm having a bad day.
Whenever I've had issues
You have always been my tissues.

You always hugged me tight
And loved me with all your might.
You were always there for me when I needed someone.
I'm so very thankful to have a mother like you,
With your kindness and all that you do.

All these words are perfectly true,
And mother, I love you.
You are a mother unlike any other.
A little poem I wrote for you to let you know
I love you and appreciate you every day
In every single way.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Aurora Lee Marcks Bushey by Aurora Lee Marcks Bushey, Wisconsin
  • 9 years ago

My mother is my bus driver. She has always been there for me & when she can't be there for me, I always have my other relatives. I love her & my relatives with all my heart!

  • Julie Dedes by Julie Dedes
  • 9 years ago

I loved this poem, but I failed in my chance to express that type of gratitude to my mother.

At 47 years old, I suddenly woke up from a very long and lingering nightmare that gnawed on my conscience for 20 years and ate away joy and harmonious relationships with my family. At 47, I began the journey of undoing what became apparently difficult to resolve, to resolve DV (Domestic Violence)
The poem that I just read was the mother that I so yearned to have had as a child and to be able to convey to her that same essence of gratitude and remorse.
Sadly, she was murdered by my father, and yet, I have succeeded in having children of my own who are quite stable and are appreciating me as their flawed but loving mother.
Mummy is everything that the world cannot be, but mummies are awesome!

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