1. Recipe For A Mother
Serving size- one Amazing Mom
1-Cup Empathy
2-Cups Patience
The bond that a child develops with his mother can never be severed. You grew as an organism inside her for nine months. She carried you and sustained you, sharing her sustenance with you through your umbilical cord. When you are born the cord is severed. It is never severed in her heart. That bond lasts forever. As we grow up we become our own people and may come to forget that woman who nurtured and loved us. But remember this, she will never forget you and never stop loving you.
Serving size- one Amazing Mom
1-Cup Empathy
2-Cups Patience
My mother is the feeling
Of lost love found again
A soldier home from war
The shoulder of a friend
Famous Poem
You painted no Madonnas
On chapel walls in Rome,
But with a touch diviner
You lived one in your home.
There are no hands more lovely
Than the ones that held you tight
And soothed you through the night.
Famous Poem
Such beautiful, beautiful hands!
They're neither white nor small;
And you, I know, would scarcely think
That they are fair at all.
A mother is a special gift
From our Father in heaven above.
She holds, consoles; spirits she lifts,
She gives to her children enduring love.
Mothers are beautiful in every way.
They nurture, care, and love all day.
In the day, they are the sunshine in the sky,
Dear Mother, I've so much to tell you,
I wouldn't know where to begin.
There's so much I've learned in the years since you've gone,
How I long to just see you again.
She does her battles quietly,
For her kids, on her knees.
Spending many sleepless nights,
So our lives can be with ease.
Abimbola T. Alabi, you are a wonderful poet. I have read your poetry, love the "work" poem, as well. I can tell you write from the heart and through experiences, which makes for the best...
That Phenomenal Lady...
That fantastically raised me
Lived life to the fullest,
Extended love to the cruelest;
These are the words I've constructed in my mind,
to say thank you for all that you've done.
But words are somehow hard to find.
Before I could say it, they're long gone.
A mother's hug is as warm as could be,
For if you haven't had one, you will see.
Her hug shoves out remorse and despair
And fills happiness into the once empty air.
You're like the sun
that brightens the day.
When you're not there,
the light goes away.
I'm sorry your own father abandoned your mom, but I feel happy for you because you have such a good mother. Life may be difficult for you, but hope is always somewhere waiting for you. Wish...
Mom, on your birthday, I celebrate you
And all the wonderful things that you do.
But if truth be told, and that must always be,
This is the best poem I've ever read for a mom on her birthday. I always look for poems to write in my moms card on her special day and this one is the very best I've read. Keep up all your...
I've tried to write so many times,
But it's been hard to say in rhymes.
I'll try once more and hope you'll see
Just what your love has meant to me.
A truly wonderful tribute poem to your Mom, Brian, one of the best I've ever read. There's nothing so good as a mother's touch, their patience, understanding, their heart and their love.
When I think about my mum,
I just can't help but smile;
The beauty of her loving heart,
The easy grace in her style.
The poem projects the image of a truly loving mother. Irrespective of caste and creed mothers are always ready to make sacrifices for their children. It is a universally accepted truth. I...
M-My life would be a mess without you.
O-Of many sacrifices, I can remember you made and ever do.
T-The selfless love and kindness is an abundant blessing.
H-Heart of yours as beautiful as the view of a sun rising.
Though words are written
About mothers, that is true,
Still, I know that no one ever had
A mother just like you.
Poems are written every day for moms across the earth.
Stories, songs, and ballads, all trying to tell her worth,
How every day she battled, the odds against her stacked,
MOM, you are the reflection of WOW.
You change sadness into happiness.
You change hate into love.
Wow is right. The way you have expressed yourself and got your point across to how you truly felt and feel is more than beautiful; it's brave. You are loved and never alone. Jesus' love for...