Birthday Poem

Our Mother's 80th Birthday

My mother raised 5 of us kids almost on her own. Our father was an alcoholic and she struggled to raise us. We didn't realize what a difficult time she had until we were older and had children of our own. I wrote this on her 80th birthday to honor her dedication to us.

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Happy Birthday To The Queen Of Our Hearts

© more by Fran Peck

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2019 with permission of the Author.

Poems are written every day for moms across the earth.
Stories, songs, and ballads, all trying to tell her worth,

How every day she battled, the odds against her stacked,
Never giving up on us and never looking back.

There was no time for wishing or waiting for a dream.
Faces to wash, meals to cook, clothes that needed cleaned.

She never feels that she's been cheated of a life to call her own.
Smiles that come from beneath her feet is where her heart is drawn.

Sometimes we saw a worried look or heard a desperate prayer,
But she never burdened her little ones with even a hint of care.

Our table was full, our beds were warm, clothes upon our back.
We always had just what we needed; we never knew a lack.

The outside world might raise a brow and doubt that we'd survive,
But mom was sure of her love for us, and that love kept us alive.

She could've chosen a different path, the road to please herself.
Instead she took the high road, and her kids became her wealth.

Investing in us every day, she seemed so brave and strong,
But only God knew the tears she cried when she was all alone.

He heard her every prayer and watched as time went by.
He traded her ashes for beauty and lifted her head up high.

It's no wonder that we love her so unlike any other.
Happy Birthday to the queen of our hearts, our dear, precious Mother.


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